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Sorting in Spray??

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:12 am
by Ryanwsu4
Does anyone know how to sort in the spray? Yes I can organize by grade from my hardest, but if I go to page 2 to see some of my easier climbs in order, I can't. Also now that I have over 100 climbs logged i can't look at different pages well. Don't get me wrong, im super happy that the website exists at all, but I have a hard time looking through my spray if I look past the first page of climbs. Anyone have any help for me, or should I just be happy with what I can do?

Re: Sorting in Spray??

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:57 pm
by Nick
Good question, I've always wondered this as well. There is no better way to procrastinate than to take an hour or three to bask in your own spray-glory. New projects are daunting and hard, reminiscing about victorious sends is the way go!