Looking for someone to climb with

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Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:57 pm

Looking for someone to climb with

Post by mrsbernstein »

I moved to Kentucky in August. Was so busy training for a 50K haven't had time to climb. Now that the race is done I really want to get back to climbing regularly. I am looking for someone or someones that would like to get out with me and climb. I am recreational, I will try any climb, but am most comfortable leading 8's and 9's, but totally willing to jump on anything on top rope. I am available Oct. 11, 24, 25 and 31. I could also probably escape on a weekday as well. Haven't climbed at Red River Gorge yet, but dying to! I am begging here.
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:52 am

Re: Looking for someone to climb with

Post by Crackhead »

Hi Mrs Bernstein, I am looking for someone to climb with this coming weekend. My name is Chris,I have been climbing for 15 years. I have most weekends off work. What do you like to climb sport or trad? I'm down for anything. Although I do tend to climb more trad than sport. If you want to climb let me know.
Posts: 88
Joined: Wed May 25, 2011 11:36 pm

Re: Looking for someone to climb with

Post by crazyhair »

if you're available on the 11th, check out a clinic! They're fun, a great way to meet other climbers (and future belay partners) and they'll help you get better or more knowledgeable. Plus, all the money goes to support the land you climb on! http://rrgcc.org/rocktoberfest/clinics-2015/
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