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Partner Needed Sunday Oct 19th

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:28 pm
by ScottB
I'm looking for a partner for Sunday October 19th. I'm wanting to get on 11s, but I'll belay whatever. I'll bring snacks and soft catches.

Re: Partner Needed Sunday Oct 19th

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:30 pm
by daniel_austria
hey scott,

my name is daniel.
i am from austria and in greensburg, IN until the end of november.
( therefore i don"t have a climbing rope or trad stuff with me, but everything else )

climbing some 11s on sunday sounds nice.

i don"t have a local phone yet.
just msg. me if you are interested.

Re: Partner Needed Sunday Oct 19th

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:43 am
by HelmetJam
I'm also looking for a partner for Sunday. I can't climb 11's, but I'm fine with belaying them. I only lead at least 5.8 sport, but I'd be up for giving some 10's a shot on toprope too. I've got my own gear and everything. Just let me know if you're interested.

Also, Daniel, I saw you're other post. I live pretty close to the gorge, and am looking for new people to climb with, since many of my climbing friends moved away this summer. I don't climb very hard yet, but if you're ever looking for somebody to get out with, send me a message. I'm usually available on weekends, and sometimes on tuesdays, thursdays,and fridays.

EDIT: fridays.