RRG Rodeo: Fixed Gear Education & Fundraiser
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:10 pm
We will be hosting our inaugural Labor Day RRG Rodeo: Fixed Gear Education and Fundraiser!!!!
We will have:
-The mankest of mank hardware on show!!
-Our new line of bomber stainless steel hardware!!
-Try your skills as a developer placing the new Climbtech Legacy bolt!
-The PBR-Rodeo clip Contest: Slam a PBR and make a Rodeo-clip in record time!!! Starts 7pm on Saturday night! Sweet prize package for the winner!! Ale-8 will be available for those who choose not to drink. ($10 entry)
-Donate a Bolt Raffle! $5 per bolt! Swag winner will be drawn 8pm on Sunday, Aug 31st!!!!
-Buy a Developer a Beer: Meet and Greet with some of our own developers
Event Sponsors: Rab, ClimbTech, Miguel's Pizza, The Rock House, Prana, Bluewater Ropes, and Evolv. More to come!!!!
All proceeds to benefit the RRG Bolt Fund.
(more info here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/rrg-fixe ... 4698753538)
We will be at the tent from on Saturday, Aug 30, and Sunday August 31st from:
Come on out!!!
You can follow and RSVP the event on Facebook at:
We will have:
-The mankest of mank hardware on show!!
-Our new line of bomber stainless steel hardware!!
-Try your skills as a developer placing the new Climbtech Legacy bolt!
-The PBR-Rodeo clip Contest: Slam a PBR and make a Rodeo-clip in record time!!! Starts 7pm on Saturday night! Sweet prize package for the winner!! Ale-8 will be available for those who choose not to drink. ($10 entry)
-Donate a Bolt Raffle! $5 per bolt! Swag winner will be drawn 8pm on Sunday, Aug 31st!!!!
-Buy a Developer a Beer: Meet and Greet with some of our own developers
Event Sponsors: Rab, ClimbTech, Miguel's Pizza, The Rock House, Prana, Bluewater Ropes, and Evolv. More to come!!!!
All proceeds to benefit the RRG Bolt Fund.
(more info here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/rrg-fixe ... 4698753538)
We will be at the tent from on Saturday, Aug 30, and Sunday August 31st from:
Come on out!!!
You can follow and RSVP the event on Facebook at: