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Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:29 am
by Alpinestar18
The high is 60 for Saturday so I figured I'd go to RRG to do some rappelling but where are some good spots to go? preferable a short drive and hike and scenery is always a plus so any info along with some directions would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:02 am
by dustonian
Dude primo conditions for rappin! That rope is gonna slide right through your device like butter... but have you checked the humidity yet?

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:26 am
by whoneedsfeet
Do you sport or trade rapple?

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:33 am
by dustonian
F that... last time i went trad rappelling we hiked all day and rapped like 2 crappy pitches...

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:35 am
by whoneedsfeet
It's all about keeping it pure dusty! Being old I though you'd appreciate the adventure.

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:01 am
by returntosender
Top of Eagle Point Buttress is always a good rap. Nice hike in and scenery out the ying yang.

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:32 am
by Alpinestar18
returntosender wrote:Top of Eagle Point Buttress is always a good rap. Nice hike in and scenery out the ying yang.
Attempted to go there today but got started too late in the day and couldn't exactly figure out where it was, we parked there after the concrete bridge and I believe the main 7mi trail was called the osbourne loop but we was told it was to the right of that so we went alongside the river which was a very nice hike and sometimes confusing up to a point where the trail started going left up towards the hill towards some cliffs that had a waterfall and turned back in confusion and went back to the cave/arch that was close to the road and hanged out there.

Any idea how close we was?

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:01 am
by returntosender
Yeah, you were pretty close. If you continue along the cliff line to the right of the waterfall maybe a hundred more yards or so you will find an almost hidden gap that quickly opens up to a big scree field. If you descend and see a fenced in area you have gone to far. The gap is most easily seen looking back over your shoulder so glance behind you once in a while as you proceed from the base of the cliff near the waterfall. Once you find the gap, scramble up the scree all the way to the top. The Osborne Bend trail continues straight at the top of the cliff, but if you go left it will lead to scenic Eagle Pt. You will see the waterfall start up top and there are several places to build sturdy anchors up there.

Re: Where are some good places to go rappelling?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:44 am
by CarlosDanger
Climbed at eastern skybridge on Saturday and hiked out there to end the day since it was close. The waterfall was as impressive as I'd ever seen it and I could not believe how many people I heard and saw marching right inside the cave that is clearly marked with signs asking people to do the exact opposite.

I'll just add that once you continue along the cliff line on the far side of the waterfall, you can either scramble up through an obvious chimney/hole that takes you directly to the base of the scree field or you can skirt down and around the formation with the hole before heading back uphill. Either way the trail is pretty well worn so just be sure you're following it uphill to the ridge.