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Anyone climbing Thanxgiving-Monday?
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:18 am
by Ken84il
Me and Katie are looking for a few folks to climb with next weekend.. Dbl rack and two ropes.. looking to hit some easier trad lines.. seeing as the weather is supposed to be in the 20s-40s and some good old fashioned sport craggin'.. Open to all areas and climbing abilities. I will bring plenty of firewood to share. Planning on camping either out 9b or before the fork.. open to other spots too.
Re: Anyone climbing Thanxgiving-Monday?
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:39 am
by jcushner
This is Jason from Vermont. I'm down here and psyched to climb with you all. I'm not sure what 9b means??? Thanks.
Re: Anyone climbing Thanxgiving-Monday?
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:38 pm
by Ken84il
Its a road out by dip wall..
Drive 1.4 miles down County Road 1067 from the steel bridge on KY 77 (1.2 miles from the Long Wall parking area). The gravel road changes to asphalt at the Menifee and Powell county line. About a mile farther is a farmhouse and barn on the left and a gravel road on the right (Forest Service Road 9). Turn down that road and proceed 1.1 miles and cross a bridge. This brings you to the intersection of 9A and 9B. Turn right on 9B and drive 2.9 miles to a low concrete bridge which crosses the East fork of Indian Creek.