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German looks for Partner for Rocktoberfest

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:15 pm
by Vincent89
Hello Guys,
my name is Vincent and i am a climber from Germany. i am in the states since 3 weeks and staying here for an internship until end of march 2014. i register to the rocktoberfest and look for a climb-partner for the weekend. i am going there for sure so, if there is someone who wants to join me please write me. normaly i am the lead climber in my group at home and clim stuff till UIAA 7+ (didn`t climb for 4 weeks...sight-seeing the usa). i try to get friday off, so i should arrive there at 1 or 2 pm.
would be nice to meet you there.

Re: German looks for Partner for Rocktoberfest

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:10 pm
by caribe
Vincent89 wrote:normaly i am the lead climber in my group at home and clim stuff till UIAA 7+
You mean that the other people in your group do not lead climb? You put the rope on the top and everyone else top ropes the routes?

Re: German looks for Partner for Rocktoberfest

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:07 pm
by Vincent89
no, it is so: our rocks are sandstone/gritstone. so it is typicall that one is leadclimber and if he is on the top he build a standpoint and the others are follow. the leadclimber save them from the top. so you didn`t damage the rock and the rope too much. but i found someone. thanks