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RRGCC needs your help!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:01 pm
by DriskellHR
JATD is quickly approaching and we are gearing up for what is looking to be the largest JATD yet. With the purchase of the MFRP our work load has increased significantly. With that goes task of keeping a list of all the jacked trails in the areas we maintain. Having a comprehensive up to date list of whats needed will save our land management staff a lot of leg work as well as make us more prepared for JATD and additional trail days.

You are the ones hiking to the crag, seeing the problems and in a position to make note of what you see.
So please as your out there if you notice a collapseing trail, downed tree, washed out stairway or bridge.... etc.... please let us know you can report bad trails @

If your unsure of what our trail building practices are and what a trail should look like go to
This video is made for mountain biking trails but 95% of our practices are exactly the same. The big differences are the logs mountain bikers tend to use in trail systems. WE NEVER USE NATURAL MATERIALS other than rock and dirt! Also if you can take pics and email them to us that would be awesome! pics go a long long way to helping us identify problem areas.
