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Oil company requesting help

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:10 am
by Josephine
While working on the roads I had ample opportunities to talk to the oil workers about their business. There are locals that are stealing the metal off of their pumps to sell for $15 scrap and it costs them over $800 to replace it! So they're putting up cameras and doing their best to catch them when they can.

They are currently on the look out for a green neon driving around on the Pmrp. Older and it's more of a teal green than a bright green (hindsight I should have gotten a pic of it when it drive by). Anyway, the oil company has all their workers looking for this car (local plates but don't know the number). They're trying to figure out a way to catch them. Since there's only a handful of oil workers but hundreds of climbers I said we could help them watch.

If you see the green neon, please call brad rose at 6oh6-56oh-oh7oh8. They call the lode hill "bald rock hill" (since that's the name of the road) the call the caterpillar oil tank the "wollyworm" :-) an the solar parking area they call "coal bank" since that's the hollow it's in. Just let him know where you saw it and maybe they can finally catch their theives.