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Face left of El Encuentro at Bob Marley?

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 2:54 am
by Seth0326
El Encuentro is the line on the far right of Bob Marley (about 150 feet right of Eyeball Chaw) that follows the overhung blunt arete. I guess it was bolted during the 2007 Petzl rock trip. But the face just to the left of this arete is complete empty, and it looks just begging to be bolted and climbed. It looks hard -- pretty overhung with not a lot of great holds -- but even a 5.12 climber like me could see a potential line of usable holds.

The face is beautiful. Does anyone know if anyone is thinking about bolting it? I've never bolted anything in my life, and it looks too hard for me to climb (now or possibly ever), but if no one bolts it I might have to learn to bolt just so I can make this happen. It looks that good.