PMRP road update
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:14 pm
We have a verbal agreement with American Natural Gas for a joint effort to repair and maintain roads in the PMRP (this does not include fixer road, it is a county road) The agreement is, that we provide the gravel and facilitate getting it hauled to the site and they provide the equipment and operator to do the grading and dozer work. It has taken some time and effort to get here but it is a giant leap forward in progress of having a permanent maintenance plan established for our shared roadway.
The less awesome news
Their wheels are large and take a little time to make a full rotation. Work should be started no later than mid may, which is a typically very wet month and a half away. So in the interim we will make some efforts to patch larger holes by hand and grade what we can by hand on the spring trail day. Hopefully we will have a large turnout and get lots done!!!
There it is folks........
We have a verbal agreement with American Natural Gas for a joint effort to repair and maintain roads in the PMRP (this does not include fixer road, it is a county road) The agreement is, that we provide the gravel and facilitate getting it hauled to the site and they provide the equipment and operator to do the grading and dozer work. It has taken some time and effort to get here but it is a giant leap forward in progress of having a permanent maintenance plan established for our shared roadway.
The less awesome news
Their wheels are large and take a little time to make a full rotation. Work should be started no later than mid may, which is a typically very wet month and a half away. So in the interim we will make some efforts to patch larger holes by hand and grade what we can by hand on the spring trail day. Hopefully we will have a large turnout and get lots done!!!
There it is folks........