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Belay Specs partners with FoMV!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:13 pm
by climb2core
Phil Wilkes has graciously partnered with Friends of Muir Valley and will donate $10 to Friends of Muir Valley if you purchase and pair of his glasses and mention "Muir Valley". I have a pair of his and the original CU ones. While they are slightly heavier, they are also $60 cheaper and seem well constructed. In my opinion, it is a win/win if you need to get belay glasses. And if you don't own them, you need them!!!

You can check them out at

Re: Belay Specs partners with FoMV!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:59 am
by tbwilsonky
i got some. they are rugged. i like them.