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Need a Ride, Saturday 29 Sept.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:17 pm
by Mariano Barbarito
Hi fellows...My name is Mariano, I am from Mexico and I am very exited on visiting the Red!!!

I am right now in West Virginia and heading to Kentucky...I am taking the Am Track train to Charleston WV, and then taking Greyhound bus to Lexington KY....

I arrive tomorrow, Saturday 29 of September at 9:40am to Lexington and hope to catch or meet somebody that is going to the red on that same day... I would appreciate it a lot and I have some gifts to share since I have been working at a Bakery!

Thanks everyone I hope that someone gets this message and be able to help me....or at least somebody could tell me any other way to get from Lexington to the Red.


Re: Need a Ride, Saturday 29 Sept.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:26 pm
by Josephine
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