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so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:58 am
by krampus
Sitting here watching Michelle Obama's DNC speech. Wondering if there are any reasons other than gay marriage and abortion to vote for Romney?

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:29 pm
by ReachHigh
I like elephants.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:53 pm
by Jeff
You are brain washed by the media or your church, or you own your own business and think Romney/the GOP actually care about you.
Oh yeah, you like the Jerry Springer type of stuff.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:10 pm
by pigsteak
Jeff wrote:You are brain washed by the media or your church, or you own your own business and think Romney/the GOP actually care about you.
Oh yeah, you like the Jerry Springer type of stuff.
thatd be me....

I am still undecided at this point..the economy is my number one issue and Obama, plain and simple has not gotten it done. But like I voted for W the second time to give him an opportunity to turn around his boneheaded invasion of Iraq, I might vote to allow Obama to make good on all the economic promises that are turning into lies so far. I want SO BAD for Obama to be 'the man" but don't bury your head people....our economy is on the brink of a huge collapse right now. No more excuses on either side....we either turn this ship around or go down in brilliant flames.

Obama got my vote 4 years ago on the vision he presented. So far he has been a dismal failure.

And I realize many of you only care about 'getting your own" but I promise you this financial mess is HUGE.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:22 pm
by dustonian
So what do you think Romney would possibly do to change any of that? If anything, a return to the same failed "trickle down" policies, record-low per capita tax revenues, and deep slashing if not outright elimination of investment in infrastructure would only dig us back into the hole of 2008... likely even deeper this time around. It will take at least 4 more years to clean up the many messes of W, and unfortunately, probably even longer. All that said, the economic recovery would be faster and more robust if not for the moronic Teabagger extremism currently dominating the Republican party and the House.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:30 pm
by climb2core
pigsteak wrote:
Jeff wrote:You are brain washed by the media or your church, or you own your own business and think Romney/the GOP actually care about you.
Oh yeah, you like the Jerry Springer type of stuff.
thatd be me....

I am still undecided at this point..the economy is my number one issue and Obama, plain and simple has not gotten it done. But like I voted for W the second time to give him an opportunity to turn around his boneheaded invasion of Iraq, I might vote to allow Obama to make good on all the economic promises that are turning into lies so far. I want SO BAD for Obama to be 'the man" but don't bury your head people....our economy is on the brink of a huge collapse right now. No more excuses on either side....we either turn this ship around or go down in brilliant flames.

Obama got my vote 4 years ago on the vision he presented. So far he has been a dismal failure.

And I realize many of you only care about 'getting your own" but I promise you this financial mess is HUGE.
I am shock. Clearly Pigsteak is not feeling well. I can't imagine any other reason why the ultimate political contrarian just gave us a glimpse into his inner soul.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:35 pm
by pigsteak
I am not even gonna begin to argue about this on here....pure and simple, I want more of my money in my pocket and less in the hands of the government. Entitlement spending has gotten out of hand, and needs fixed, and fast. This includes social security, state pensions, food stamps, free medical care, corporate tax breaks, unemployment benefits, disability claims, etc..... add in the pork on both sides of the aisle, these bogus wars that both Obama and Bush have paid for, and the red ink is dripping folks.

sadly, i am not smart enough to fix it or even offer a remedy. we have entered a period where everyone is becoming dependent on the government to bail them out or give them a free ride thru life. That just doesnt fit my personal vision. I love my national parks and infrastructure, but there has got to be some fiscal sanity coming from Washington.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:45 pm
by climb2core
Weren't you "un-employed" for a while Pig?

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:50 pm
by Climbingrocks
pigsteak wrote:
thatd be me....

I am still undecided at this point...
Hmmm...this is the first presidential election in my adult life where the choice is very obvious. I just can't imagine how Romney wouldn't be a bad president. His economic ideas are proven to fail, his international plans are terrible, and his approach to civil liberties is fucking embarrassing.

Re: so.... anyone voting for Mit Romney?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:52 pm
by dustonian
Climbingrocks wrote:Hmmm...this is the first presidential election in my adult life where the choice is very obvious. I just can't imagine how Romney wouldn't be a bad president. His economic ideas are proven to fail, his international plans are terrible, and his approach to civil liberties is fucking embarrassing.
plus one to the wily Texan delegate.

anyway good thing we live in Kentucky so the debate is meaningless electorally. not to mention Ian is a frigging Canadian and can't even vote in his state that actually matters.... where Ohio goes, so goes the nation. how sad is that??