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...and then I woke up in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:59 pm
by Kerry Mc
At Miguel's for the weekend into early next week. Looking for someone(s) to climb with. I was on my way from Boston to Tucson and couldn't skip Kentucky. I woke up in Detroit one morning, Cincinnati the next, and then found myself here at Miguel's. Most of my sport climbing has been out in Tucson on Mt Lemmon and Red Rocks in Vegas- very different terrain. I have just the bare minimum on me for gear so I've got a rope if you've got quick draws? I can't offer much to pay for a guide but I can offer a free place to crash in Tucson or a free ride to St. Louis or Little Rock next week (my route is flexible). You can reach me at 734.53l.896l.

with a smile-K

Re: ...and then I woke up in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:21 pm
by clif
apparently gumbies are falling out of the sky this week (softly, let's hope)- shouldn't be a problem.

Re: ...and then I woke up in Kentucky

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:00 am
by Kerry Mc
haha thanks Clif