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Climber volunteers needed for KY State Fair in Louisville!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:50 pm
by dustonian
Chuck at Beattyville/Lee County Tourism is still looking for climber volunteers August 16-26 to run an informational booth at the "Pride of the Counties" exhibit representing the outdoor recreation and climbing opportunities in Lee County of the Red River Gorge, which includes the crags of the Southern Region and PMRP. This is a GREAT opportunity for us to help support the folks in Beattyville by showcasing our love for climbing and outdoor recreation in the southern region of the RRG!! The more we can help them with events like this and demonstrate our value to the local economy, the better!

Please get in touch with Chuck at (606) 560-9059 or Dedra at (606) 464-5038 if you are available any time during the next 10 days (8/16-8/26). Be sure to tell them you are a rock climber interested in representing recreation in Lee County for the "Pride of the Counties" exhibit. Their Facebook page can be found at The general Beattyville website has a story up at ... tate-fair/


Re: Climber volunteers needed for KY State Fair in Louisvill

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:11 pm
by dustonian
Thanks to Andrew Jones for stepping up to the plate! Who else can get out there? Come on, the KY state fair is cool, and this is a great chance for us to partner with local Lee County officials!

Re: Climber volunteers needed for KY State Fair in Louisvill

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:37 pm
by dustonian
The Beattyville/Lee County folks were super SIKED when Andrew Jones showed up today to talk about climbing in the RRG with KY State Fair attendees.. Thanks Andrew!!! You are a great representative for us all! :)

Again, if anyone else can volunteer a day or even a few hours, this is a great opportunity to promote the expansion of climbing opportunities in eastern Kentucky! Get in touch with Chuck and Dedra at (606) 560-9059 or (606) 464-5038 and check out Take some of your gear with you and talk it up... never know when you might meet the owner of the next Motherlode or Funk Rock City (if that's more your cup of tea). Thanks!

Re: Climber volunteers needed for KY State Fair in Louisvill

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:53 pm
by Jeff
Thanks so much Andrew, way to go!
What a great opportunity to establish a relationship with Lee Co.
Would love to see the Lou folks hit a home run with this.

Re: Climber volunteers needed for KY State Fair in Louisvill

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:02 pm
by DriskellHR
They still need help for tomarrow!!! Spoke with them today. Fantastic folks if y'all can spare the time give em a call.