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German Yahoo! coverage

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:58 am
by tomdarch
Yikes! I came across this as a side effect of a Google search:

I don't speak German, so I turned to the babelfish (if you know the importance of the number 42, then you know the origin of the 'fish):

I entered the above URL, set it to "German to English" and let it rip.

It's Yahoo! Germany's sports news site and it's announcing the launch of the site and the route auction. I can only assume that someone at Yahoo! Germany is a climber!

As usual, the 'fish doesn't fail for hilarity: "The presidency of the ' Murray Property Project ' task Force talk River Gorge Climber's Coalition hold Morgain Sprague (climbing leader authoress) and John of the Bronaugh. Both lawyers and Kletterer passionierte." :lol:

Can anyone provide a better translation?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:16 pm
by Spragwa
Oh God no. Did they say that John and I are presidents? I hope that's a poor translation because I thought they took the info. from the rrgcc web site.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:53 pm
by kato
Biggest land purchase of all time:
Climbers will have the opportunity, through the online
charity-route-auction, to donate for the route of their choice. Participants
and sponsers will be in a position to earn (money) for routes in the area.
Anyone can donate to the biggest landpurchase of all time through a regional
climbing organisation and thereby preserve the possibility of climbing on
(this) private land. The Red River Gorge Climber's Coalition holds an option
to buy 700 acres of the best climbing in the gorge area, including Drive-by,
Oil Crack, Arena, In Between, Solar Collector, Dark Side, Gold Coast, and Bob
Marley. Over 150 routes with difficulty ratings between 5.6 and 5.14. In
order to obtain all of these wonderful cliffs, the RRGCC with the 'Murray
Property Project', must raise a sum of 350000 US dollars.

The Murray Property Project:
There is a new website opened on August 1 dedicated to the 'Murray
Property Project'. Aside from the online auction, the route-sponsoring, and
the opportunity to donate, the website contains a complete online guide of
the routes on the Murray property (with) pictures, maps, descriptions, even
GPS coordinates, and much, much more.

Reported also in climbimg magazines:
The Gold Coast Wall (see photo), part of the area, was recently (reported)
in Climbing magazine (Issue #222, page 59) with Dave Hume. He climbed one
of his routes, True Love, 5.13d. (also known as Brillant Orange wall).

The Murray Property Project Task Force:
The leaders of the 'Murray Property Project' Task Force
of the Red River Gorge Climber's Coalition are Morgain Sprague
(author of the climbing guide) and John Bronaugh. Both (are) lawyers* and
passionate climbers. Morgain coordinates special spending meetings.

If you are interested in sponsoring or donating, etc. please contact
Gretchen Finniff (

*[This word may also mean "shyster" :wink: ].

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:15 pm
by tomdarch
Kato - danke! (I'd add that 'shin' part, but I'm not sure how to spell it - the pinacle of my German is "ein Currywurst mit pommes und ein Fanta, bitte." And that only works in Berlin!)

Sprag - yeah, bad translation is the core of "fun with the 'fish!" It's particularly fun with documents that you can read yourself, and comparing them to the 'fish's version. Even goofier is to take stuff round trip (e.g. Eng-->Fr-->Eng.)

Here's part of Kato's English translation in the 'fish's French:

Il y a un nouveau site Web ouvert août 1 consacré 'au projet de propriété de Murray '. Hormis l'enchère en ligne, le conduire-commanditaire, et l'occasion de donner, le site Web contient un guide en ligne complet des itinéraires sur les images de propriété de Murray (avec), cartes, descriptions, même coordonnées de GPS, et beaucoup, beaucoup davantage.

So good so far - a bit wierd, but mostly understandable. Here it is translated back:

There is a new open Web site August 1 devoted ' to the project of property of Murray '. Except the bidding on line, the lead-sleeping partner, and the occasion to give, the Web site contains a complete guide on line of the routes on the images of property of Murray (with), charts, descriptions, even coordinated GPS, and much, much more.

Oi Vey! "The lead-sleeping partner"?!? I have no idea how it got that from it's own French translation, but such is the 'fish! (it gets even better from Japanese web sites!)

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:26 pm
by Spragwa
SAWEET! The lead-sleeping partner. Can that be me?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:52 pm
by kato
Not your average translator...
Here's a neat little toy for you tom:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:08 pm
by Spragwa
Hmm. Toys I need, but not net toys...Damn, wrong thread, sorry. :twisted: