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Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 1:42 pm
by toad857
Civil discourse, anyone? I can think of no better place than a climbing forum to parse out the banal lipservices and questionable motives of these two fine candidates.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Romney is a total dick.

Anything to add?

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:52 pm
by nik
in terms of policy, i think there is very little difference between the two. however, i would agree with your assessment of romney and will be strenuously hoping for a GOP defeat. romney is a symbol of everything that's gone wrong with americans' attitude toward inequality.

standing on the back deck of a palatial estate, romney says the following: "Here's the difference between Democrats and Republicans, Democrats think no one should live like this, while Republicans think everyone should." blow it out your ass, mitt. that's such a mischaracterization of reality.

what about the people that will never make a fraction of the money romney has? the teachers, firefighters, and soldiers? librarians and police officers? their dream is to live a comfortable life, maybe take a vacation every now and then, and be able to send their kids to college. NOT to be a master of the universe and preside over a stately manor. and, whether or not romney would actually govern this way, he is a symbol of the free market run amok to do what it will (benevolently, romney would hasten to add). and, a romney victory would do much to legitimize the warped view of the world that "success" or "failure" in the capitalist system determines one's human worth.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:19 pm
by toad857
nik wrote:what about the people that will never make a fraction of the money romney has? the teachers, firefighters, and soldiers? librarians and police officers? their dream is to live a comfortable life, maybe take a vacation every now and then, and be able to send their kids to college. NOT to be a master of the universe and preside over a stately manor. and, whether or not romney would actually govern this way, he is a symbol of the free market run amok to do what it will (benevolently, romney would hasten to add). and, a romney victory would do much to legitimize the warped view of the world that "success" or "failure" in the capitalist system determines one's human worth.
good stuff right there.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:28 pm
by toad857
I haven't heard a single good argument for Romney from any of his supporters. His supporters don't really seem to "support" him as much as they are just anti-Obama, anti-health care, anti-gay rights, anti-compromise, anti-changes...

In other words, they're not "for" anything... they're just against things. Doesn't seem productive.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:47 pm
by Howie Feltersnatch
Not that i disagree with anything said above; sure Romney is a total dick, but so is Obama.

One dick caters to what one group of supporters wants to hear in order to attain money and votes, the other caters to the other side. Romney being somewhat socially liberal while governor of Massachusetts and now taking a hard line against gay marriage; and Obama failing to close Gitmo and instead of reducing executive power, pushing it to new limits; highlight how subject they are to spewing party rhetoric. Add to this the hard-line and corrupt antics of our congressional representatives and it is hard to believe that our form of government is destined for anything but a continued slide into failure.

Neither one of them has your best interest our the best interest of our country at heart. It is impossible to do so and still be able to advance themselves in the political realm. For the first time since I have been able to do so, I may not vote in the upcoming election as the thought of supporting either group is disgusting.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:00 pm
by ted
Howie Feltersnatch wrote:
Neither one of them has your best interest our the best interest of our country at heart. It is impossible to do so and still be able to advance themselves in the political realm. For the first time since I have been able to do so, I may not vote in the upcoming election as the thought of supporting either group is disgusting.


Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:02 pm
by ScottB
go away nerds. this is for the climbing

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 5:31 pm
by nik
toad857 wrote:I haven't heard a single good argument for Romney from any of his supporters. His supporters don't really seem to "support" him as much as they are just anti-Obama, anti-health care, anti-gay rights, anti-compromise, anti-changes...

In other words, they're not "for" anything... they're just against things. Doesn't seem productive.
completely agree. the modern conservative movement has NO positive policy platform. none. they're only hook is to lower taxes...unfortunately, this isn't the answer to everything!

and, i sort of agree with howie. obama has been very disappointing -- especially on the civil rights, gitmo, "war on terror" stuff...appalling, really. he was supposed to reverse much of what the previous administration had done. he was supposed to restore our moral compass. he has not. BUT, i really do believe that he would've done a lot more in his first term if he hadn't been blocked by an obstructionist, GOP-led congress for much of it. i know that kind of sounds like a cop out, but they really didn't help with anything. in fact, many of the people elected in the tea party wave came to washington promising to NEVER compromise. that doesn't sound like a party that wants to participate in governance.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:00 am
by pigsteak
ok, I usually like to wait and see the temperature on these threads and then take the opposite side. but since the thread seems to be anti-romney to start it looks like I get left to bashing obama (for whom I voted) and defending romney...easy enuf.

for starters I think it is fair to say every single senator from either party who has served more than one term is a millionare. and heck I suppose many of the freshman are as well. so pretending like only romney is the big money kahuna is laughable. I havent looked at their tax returns, but my guess is romney donated quite a bit of his earnings to charity. Ill even go out on a limb and say his percentage is higher than the presidents, and I will fact check later.

onto the reality..both of these loons are flip floppers...first time around big O didnt dare take this stance on gay marriage in fear of alienating his blue collar, deep south religious black, and catholic blocks. he is feeling a bit smug now so it is time for him to make some history.

Re: Election 2012

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:30 pm
by vertical1
I have to agree with Howie, that at this point it is hard to find someone worth voting for. I am anti-Obama, but not ant-gay, anti-compromise and anti-change. Other than anti-gay, Obama has shown to be anti-the other stuff. I can't see Romney fucking it up any worse than Obama, who did worse than Bush. The last guy who did a decent Job was Clinton. But he isn't running. And I can't vote for Ron Paul because it would be a wasted time at the ballot, and weather is usually nice early November.