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In need of a partner anytime!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:48 pm
by ClimbyMcClimberton
I usually climb with my younger brother but hes been a douche lately and can't ever seem to go. I'm 25. I live in Georgetown. I'm a 5.8/5.9 climber. I have all my own gear. Most days I have a ride however my wife and I share a single vehicle so I may a ride from time to time. Id even be happy to belay for anyonn who might just need a belayer. I just want to go. Anyone who's interested, please msg me.

Re: In need of a partner anytime!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:27 pm
by clif

for my 75th birthday i'm hoping to break into the 10c grade and will plan on being in the red from march 2-11 if the weather looks good.

i'll donate a piece of cake to muir valley for everyday that i can get a belay.