Last week we were at the RRG with some non-climbers, so we decided to take a rest day and do some tourist type hiking. We walked out to Princess Arch. Since I was there, I decided to scope out the climbs. I understand that you use a trail heading down from the left side of the hiking trail. My question is where are the routes? Are they *way* down in the valley, or somewhere at the base of the arch. I suspect way down, but it looks like an awfully long walk for some mediocre rock.
Princess Arch
Re: Princess Arch
you can hike out to the very end of the trail. Just before the lookout there is a drop off on the right and that is where the climbs are. We set up top ropes on a tree over there. Otherwise, when you cross the arch, you can scramble down the left side, go under (through) the arch and then scramble down the rest of the way to the valey on the right by using a tree root system. follow the clif line to the end. Also, if you have non climbers with you, rapping off the right side of the arch to the valley floor is my favorite rap in the red, half way down you can gain a ledge that goes way up under the arch, hike up it to the big rock on top and you have an amazing rope swing.
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