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Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 2:28 pm
Rocktoberfest was pretty cool Saturday night.
Jeff's video was very well done. The best part is Berlier's Elvis on Table of Colors. Classic.

The gear auction was cool too. The best part was Bronaugh taking his shirt off and trying to put on a sports bra the size of his left arm. Oh yea, and also when he fell off the table. The guy was dead sober too.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 3:30 pm
by Wes
Very fun time for sure.

You all missed a kick ass slide show Sunday night by Harrison Shull on NC climbing. Many, many geat shots, including a couple by some folks here: HF on some 12c and Aid4Brians and the Jolly Roger on some A4 on the glass.


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 3:43 pm
by MiaRock
the fest was a blast! all the parties were awesome and the turn out was great. it was so cool to watch jeff's video and actually know the people climbing in it. and shannon put on a really great women's clinic on sunday. and harrison got me totally stoked to get back out to NC. and the dyno comp was awesome dave and nick did a fabulous job. i can't wait for next year!!!


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 4:09 pm
by Guest
Yes, I'll chime in and agree - Roctoberfest was a BLAST! My favorite part was finally meeting the charming Ray and his beautiful Michelle, JB, Gretchen, BBerlier, Jeff - who made a kickass film! - as well as many other very cool folks. If you missed it this year, do NOT miss it again next year!!

My apologies to all the handsome young men I shamelessly flirted with while drunk off my butt. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 6:33 pm
Hey, seems the flurting paid off if you got a shower and some shelter out of the deal!

It was nice meeting that crazy Lynne girl too. I can't believe she killed a twelve pack in 30 minutes.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:39 am
by Guest
You bet! And a hot breakfast, too!! (the proprietors of Torrent Falls are VERY hospitable!)

I wonder if the number of beers consumed had anything to do with the number of offers I got for sharing shelter that night?? :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:43 pm
by deleted username
I had a swell time at the Rocktoberfest though I was exhausted by the time I got home. 18 hours of fun is getting to be too much for me. ;-)

Thanks to all who showed up for my clinics. I hope you found them informative and helpful. I sure had a great time teaching them. Oh, and don't tell the sporties about the game we played to start the trad anchors clinic.

Thanks also to everyone putting up with John and I doing our schtich during the gear auction. John has endless energy and he's crazy to boot. I had a great time, especially with the opening bid seeming to always be Jenn saying $10 and then Kurt saying $2. Fun stuff.

Kudos to Jeff on a great video. I am very proud to be associated with it.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 5:31 pm
by TexasK

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 7:29 pm
by merrick
that slide show was frickin awesome. one of the best i have ever seen. i still can't get over the story of henry barber hanging one handed off the jug trying to throw the hex up into the crack to protect it. bad ass.

the whole weekend ended up being a blast. kurt spins much better music than i expected. and little mark knew how to get down. buying the ticket for the whole weekend was a good deal just for the meals alone.

so JB is aid climbing like hacky sak? thanks for the clinics.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 9:07 pm
by captain static
In addition to the evening festivities, I enjoyed meeting the new District Ranger and talking with Forest Supervisor, Ben Worthington. I also enjoyed meeting & talking w/several of the Access Fund Board members. I came away w/a couple of challenges. One, to find out more about the Limits of Acceptable Change process and two, how to motivate Buckeyes to write letters to their congresspeople and try to get Mr. Worthington in the door? I was sorry I was not able to meet more people who hang out here on the bbs. Someone did point out HF to me.

Despite the rain Sat. night, somehow we lucked into some decent climbing on Sun. We went to Mt. Olive Rock & did the two sport routes there. Then we went to Hampton's Wall & did Kaitlyn's Inspiration. On how many climbing days can you say that you stemmed & chimneyed on a sport climb, pulled pockets, and jammed a splitter crack?

Overall a great job done by the RRGCC & a great time! :D