Red river in late augst/early september?

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Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by pja »

Hey all

I'm looking at taking a trip to the red around august 26th to september 3rd. I am concerned about the temperatures at this time though. I'm a northerly canuck, so I wouldn't be used overly used to heat. It is however up in the 30's here. Will the heat be bearable or should I look elsewhere? Many thanks!

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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by dustonian »

usually quite good then and few people around... but you never know around here.
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by tbwilsonky »

odds are it will be hot and humid (80-90f/70%) with a scattering of decent low humidity days (70-80f/50%)
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by stix »

it's gonna be shitty. hot and humid still. unfortunately it goes from too hot and humid to wet, cold, and overcrowded. better off looking for another venue with less hype surrounding it. unless of course you're just in it for the "social scene" (fairly similar sample group to any expensive university) and then there are plenty of others staying down here for the "lifestyle". if you're female you're sure to get plenty of attention from the male "dirtbags" (slang for uppermiddle class white kids form suburbia living partly on daddies coin) and if you're a dude you'll likely have some luck with all the chicks looking for some cheap self esteem. the new river gorge is great that time of year however
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by KD »

stix wrote:it's gonna be shitty. hot and humid still. unfortunately it goes from too hot and humid to wet, cold, and overcrowded. better off looking for another venue with less hype surrounding it. unless of course you're just in it for the "social scene" (fairly similar sample group to any expensive university) and then there are plenty of others staying down here for the "lifestyle". if you're female you're sure to get plenty of attention from the male "dirtbags" (slang for uppermiddle class white kids form suburbia living partly on daddies coin) and if you're a dude you'll likely have some luck with all the chicks looking for some cheap self esteem. the new river gorge is great that time of year however
I though Roadside Crag was still closed.
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by pja »

stix wrote:it's gonna be shitty. hot and humid still. unfortunately it goes from too hot and humid to wet, cold, and overcrowded. better off looking for another venue with less hype surrounding it. unless of course you're just in it for the "social scene" (fairly similar sample group to any expensive university) and then there are plenty of others staying down here for the "lifestyle". if you're female you're sure to get plenty of attention from the male "dirtbags" (slang for uppermiddle class white kids form suburbia living partly on daddies coin) and if you're a dude you'll likely have some luck with all the chicks looking for some cheap self esteem. the new river gorge is great that time of year however
Haha sweet, I'll be gettin all the ladies...:P I didn't really see the red as a climbing lifestlye place, but mayhaps my opinion will change after seeing the place first hand. The new is also on my list, if it's crazy hot at the red we'll backtrack to the new most likely.
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by tbwilsonky »

it's all lifestyle mayne.
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Re: Red river in late augst/early september?

Post by Rollo »

Set to the tune of Rock&Roll Lifestyle by CAKE

How do you afford, you're rock & climb lifestyle?... oh,
How do you afford, you're rock & climb lifestyle?
How do you afford, you're rock & climb LIFE-STYLE...?

And how much did you pay...for those nice shiny cams...?
That keep you...from decking...and splitting your head? yeah..
How much did you pay...for those nice shiny cams...?
That keep you...from decking...and splitting your head?
And how long will Black Diamond...keep building you new ones?
As long as the camalots are RED, WHITE, and BLUE ones!
And how long will Black Diamond...keep building you new ones?
As long as the camalots are RED, WHITE, and BLUE ones! ......YAH TELL ME!
And on the third day, God created the Red River Gorge(by conjecture), and he saw that it was good.
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