Furniture for Sale in Lexington

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Furniture for Sale in Lexington

Post by pawilkes »

Hey all,
We're packing up and apartment and heading out west but we've got some furniture that we don't have space for. It isn't bad furniture but it isn't worth what a rental truck would cost, especially with gas prices where they are right now. If you're interested in shoot me a PM and come by to check it out or I can send you an email with pictures.

Full Size Bed: pillow top mattress with box spring and steel frame. four years old, still in good shape. $125 obo
Dresser 2: this dresser is cheaper but still works. 2 drawers wide, three high. $10 obo
Small Desk: wooden desk with chair. this would probably be best for a child. $100 obo
night stand: retro little table. two drawers on spindly legs. $10 obo
love seat: light blue plaid love seat. the arms a little broken but it still works. $10 obo

We're rolling out of town on May 23rd so if you want in on any of these fine pieces of furniture let me know ASAP

Phil Wilkes
Last edited by pawilkes on Mon May 16, 2011 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Furniture for Sale in Lexington

Post by climb2core »

No interest in your furniture.... but let us know if you need to lighten your load and get rid of some climbing gear ;)
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