Piggie is a Waffler

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Piggie is a Waffler

Post by One-Fall »

Recently I felt personally attacked by The Pigsteak with his ATTIRE thread. Basically, I felt called out because I climb in jeans. I felt Piggie was insinuating that I am not, nor never will be, part of the cool club. For your review, I bring you a post from 2006. You decide if he is waffler.

From the mouth of the swine:

this forum needs a primer on what a REAL climber looks like, how they act, and who they hang with....

rule no. 1: if you show up at miguel's with your SO and they don't climb or only TR, then you, my friend, are not a climber.

rule no.2: if you hang any sort of aluminum object on the outside of your pack, you are not a climber.

rule no. 3: if you sleep until 10, and get back to miguel's to avoid the rush, you are not a climber.

rule no.4: if you send under 13a and climb in blue jeans, you are not a climber. (only cool)

rule no. 5: if you never climb between your once a month trips to the gorge, you are not a climber.

rule no. 5: if your posse includes the outdoor club from the university, you are not a climber.

You decide if he is waffler.
Can't we all just get along?
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Re: Piggie is a Waffler

Post by climb2core »

Porkchop is consistent... You just have to understand how his mind works. He will ALWAYS have the opinion or comment that is most contrary to popular opinion, most inflammatory, or most degradatory...in that he is consistent and hence not a waffler. You see he has no real opinion on anything ;)
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der uber
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Re: Piggie is a Waffler

Post by der uber »

Rule 6: if you are obsessed with other climner's attire, you are not a climber
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