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Seventh Annual Muir Valley Trail Day - September 25

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:35 pm
by weber
A reminder that our annual trail day will, again this year, be on the forth Saturday in September – 9/25/2010. 8 AM to late afternoon, finishing with dinner and party. Tee shirt to pre-registrants. PM me to register. Include name, email address, shirt size, and any particular tasks you'd like to do.

Rick Weber

Re: Seventh Annual Muir Valley Trail Day - September 25

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:28 am
by Liz_Weber
Don't forget to sign up for the Muir Valley Trail Day Saturday, 9/25/10. Rick and I really appreciate the help. We couldn't continue to keep Muir Valley open without the great volunteers. Meet in the parking lot between 8 and 9 a.m. The day's work will be followed by an early dinner and a party. Preregistered participants will receive an event T-shirt. The shirt was designed by Tim Yates--a shirt that any climber should be proud to own. Sign up by sending me a PM, or email me, Rick, or Doris Edwards Include name, email, and T-shirt size. Also feel free to let us know if that is a particular task or group to which you would like to be assigned. Thanks.