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Over it

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:01 am
by Wes
I had thoughts of a nice, long soapbox style sermon/rant, but guess I just don't care enough anymore. If the climbing community is going to stand by, silently, and let a few people beat down the people that keep climbing in the red going, then that community should get what it deserves.

As for me, my drill is going on ebay. I suggest that the owners of Torrent, Muir, Roadside close those areas except for friends. Put Joe, Chriss, Matt and Aaron in charge of the rrgcc, and see how long the pmrp stays open. Anyone that is working with the FS to keep climbing open, should stop and let the fs do the LAC without input. People out doing trail work should take the day off. Same with rebolting. Developers that give up their money and time for new routes should invest those resources elsewhere. Give the masses what they deserve, closed areas, crappy trails, and old hardware. See where climbing in the red will be in two years without that handful of people that makes things happen.

You pundit types are now free to have the last word, as, like I said, I am over it and in a few months, when I can climb again, I will gladly take a session at Ray and Michelles over the red.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:11 am
by anticlmber
wes, what do you want for the drill

and dont stop

i love(ed)climbing with you

Re: Over it

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:29 am
by chriss
Wes wrote: Put Joe, Chriss, Matt and Aaron in charge of the rrgcc, and see how long the pmrp stays open.
Interesting ... Sounds like my honest and fair question concerning Kung Fu Panda turned you into an angry panda. Really, if you are that sensitive, I recommend spf 80 when you leave the house, or grow some thicker skin. Not everything is an insult, or a personal attack.

Seriously though, I appreciate all the hard work people put into the red. I have said it many times. Not just the developers, but the RRGCC, all of those who volunteer their time or hard earned money to help pay off the PRMP, the Webers and all of the private land owners that put up with climbers. Because of that the red is a special place.

Wes wrote:I had thoughts of a nice, long soapbox style sermon/rant, but guess I just don't care enough anymore. If the climbing community is going to stand by, silently, and let a few people beat down the people that keep climbing in the red going, then that community should get what it deserves.
It seems like you really need a hug, pat on the back, or maybe just a nice comment. Wes, I appreciate what you have done for the red, admire you as a person and aspire to be more like you. Thanks for being you, two thumbs up.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:20 pm
by bentley
Chriss and the others that Wes named, you clearly have no fucking clue how much time all of this takes. If you did you would not be wasting your time posting these long winded rants. Instead you would be emailing those involved and asking how you can help.

By the way there is an event at Miguels this weekend. Want to help? Show up, there is a lot that needs to be other than get smashed and shit talk those that keep shit open so you can update your 8a card and stroke your ego at the gym.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:57 pm
by Saxman
It's great that some people have donated so much money to the coalition to make up for their lack of volunteer hours. It's so beautiful. Everyone who climbs at the Red frequently and doesn't volunteer donates money instead, right????????
Psst. "Not everyone feels compelled to do that."
Son of a bitch!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:01 pm
by bcombs
Why all the attacks on the Fray Train? Did he run over your scorecard? :lol:

Just kidding... but seriously, I'm pretty sure that Chriss wasn't piling on with Clevis in the epic that is Solar Gate tm.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:34 pm
by chriss
bentley wrote:Chriss and the others that Wes named, you clearly have no fucking clue how much time all of this takes. If you did you would not be wasting your time posting these long winded rants. Instead you would be emailing those involved and asking how you can help.

By the way there is an event at Miguels this weekend. Want to help? Show up, there is a lot that needs to be other than get smashed and shit talk those that keep shit open so you can update your 8a card and stroke your ego at the gym.
wow! I am not sure where this is coming from. I don't get smashed, I have never shit talked those that keep the climbing open (in fact see my above post), I don't have an 8a card, and my gym usually crushes my ego. Thanks for blindly grouping me with those people though. I wish I could come down this weekend, 10 + hours each way, along with my work load (not to mention my wife will not allow it) only allows me one or so trips a year.

Anyhow, as I stated before, I appreciate everything people do for the red, especially bentley! (there you get a little ego stroke :D ) I am being serious, thanks.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:30 pm
by 1 wheel drive
Who is John Galt?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:41 pm
by One-Fall
Wes, your a fucking icon out here. Take a break from the bolting, but your not stopping coming to the Red, bc I will beat you up. And I weigh 200 lbs. But, I am a pacifist, so maybe that wont work out too well.

I think we all have some of the winter blues still on us, but Spring is here. Its time to climb as if its your last season ever! Count me in for a few belays. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:53 pm
by ynot
OMG first Mark ,now Wes. Is Torrent cursed? red rum red rum.. holy crap! are you Ok Doctor Bob?

Seriously, if I had to live at the Red and see first hand every day how direspectful lots of climbers are I would go off in short order.