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worst sport climbs in the Red

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:42 pm
by jdstic2
I’ve noticed there are lists of the best 12a, climbs under 10 and a few other lists. But after a climbing one of the worst climbs I have ever been on I want to put together a list of the worst sport climbs in the Red. So let hear them

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:30 am
by whatahutch
I have my own personal list, but I want to keep that private and not make it public. Some bolters might take it offensively.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:04 am
by pigsteak
I for one as a bolter would not be hurt by routes people hate. That is the name of the'll like some routes, and not others.

I can think of several of mine that suck big time...let er rip.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:11 am
by Shamis

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:34 am
by Andrew
Hey pig, have you bolted a route yet that was so shitty it got closed. Its actually harder to do than you would think.

Brother Stair.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:29 am
by pigsteak
Andrew wrote:Hey pig, have you bolted a route yet that was so shitty it got closed. Its actually harder to do than you would think.

Brother Stair.
OK, I do have to agree..that route of Andrew's sucked big time. Keksan and I got on it, and it was the only route I have ever swore to not climb

what makes a bad route...poor rock, bolt placements, flow, vegetation, lichen, sharp rock, etc...

i wil say this every person who develops/ maintains in the Red,a HUGE thank you for your efforts. you could be climbing, and you are making this palce better for the next round of haters.

recently, I know Jeff and Lee have been re-equipping a ton of stuff at Roadside.....big kudos ladies!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:09 am
by RRO
every route i have had hands on suck, im cool with that...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:21 am
by Jeff
Nothing sucks more than re equiping a route that sucked to begin with.
Word from the girlz.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:43 am
by jdstic2
some good points i do take advantage of there being so many route i dont think about all the work someone had to put in. its probably hard to predict how a route will hold up over time. id say for every really terrible route there are ten top quality classics

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:03 am
by Clevis Hitch
I had a climber tell me to pull the bolts off of one of my climbs because he couldn't send it. I had another,who I let get a first ascent on a five pitch sport route (read that as"very expensive") call the route "Blivet" which is slang for a fifty pound sack of manure. He said that the rope drag was horrible. Of course if was because he strung together three pitches on slabby limestone.
I can't say that I ever hated a climb but I can say that A.W.O.L. is a scary lead for me and Breakfast Burrito has on of the scariest commiting moves I've ever done, even though it was physically easy.