Hey all,
Dave Pegg of Wolverine Publishing was nice enough to donate a full page ad to redriverclimbing.com in the 3rd edition of the Red River guide. I definitely want to take advantage of his offer but I really have no idea where to start. I'm not a graphics designer and I have no idea what the specs on the spec sheet he sent to me means (color bleed, etc.).
I know I want the ad to focus on the online guidebook as far as user contribution goes because I think it really helps to create a better guidebook when people provide their input by ticking routes they've done, voting on quality and grade of routes, adding comments, etc. Some of Paul's new graphs are even making their way into the guide.
I'm looking for a volunteer or just ideas on what the ad could look like. The due date is March 15th. If you feel like taking on the task or have an idea just shoot me an email or PM. You can email ray@redriverclimbing.com.