retire my whole rack?

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retire my whole rack?

Post by loren »

Here's the story. My friend and I totaled my car last night right outside of Lake Taho. My entire rack (biners, cams, nuts, hexes, etc.) was in a pack which was stowed in my luggage carrier on top of my car. We rolled the car going about 70 mph, meaning that the entire weight of the car was ontop of the rack at at least one point. Then, the carrier burst open and my pack went flying down the highway(the pack stayed closed at least).

We are ok for the most part. My dog and I were thrown from the car. She actually had surgery this morning and is recovering I think and I walked away with only bumps and some road rash. My friend's ok.

Anyway, do I need to retire my rack? It seems to me that it just took more force than any little biner I've dropped off of a route and I always retire those. If so, How the fuck am I going to replace it? I haven't even paid off the credit card bill from the last one.

Just need some input. Thanks.

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Post by Eric »

holy shit Loren!!!!

who cares about your rack, I am glad you are still alive. I think you should sell me your rack for $100, buy a plane ticket back here, and climb in the gym.
"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?" – Lord Byron
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Post by loren »

Thanks for the concern Eric. By the way, Lisha was the one driving. She also happened to be the only one with a seatbelt on so she's pretty much just fine..... 100 dollars huh? I'll think on it.... while I'm climing here in Cali. I guess the true test will be the first fall I take on each piece. That'll probably add a little thrill to the sport.
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Post by Eric »

well I am glad all three of you are allright, so are you stuck somewhere? Do you get a rental with your insurance?

Honestly your gear is probably just fine as long as no gasoline was spilled on it. If the gear doesn't look like it sustained any physical damage it is fine and I wouldn't worry about it.

Tell Lisha I said hi and nice driving! Hahahaha

Did she see a bug or something?
"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?" – Lord Byron
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Post by Gretchen »

Man I know how that feels and that really sucks! I am glad that you guys are OK! Hope the dog pulls thru the surgery well. I think the rack should be OK but you might want to have it checked just in case.
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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Post by Jeff »

Not sure about the rack, besides anything being visibly damaged which should probably be retired. You hear all about micro cracks etc. which can be caused by dropping. Go with your instincts??
Glad you are ok and hope the pup gets along well.
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Post by skeeterth0mps0n »

Hey there. Happy that you all are ok and that your pup pulls out of it well. As for the gear. I would have to agree with Eric's post. Check for anything that you can see. And if you have doubts then dont use it.
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Post by Danny »

Man Loren. Sorry dude. I'm glad you at least still have your priorities straight worrying about your gear :roll: How does it feel to get thrown from a car at 70mph? Talk about a whipper on a slap. Sounds rad!
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Post by Party Boy »

Shit loren :shock:
I'm glad to hear that you are OK.
I would go with the guy who said "trust your instincts"
If the gear looks OK, and the pack is not too ripped up, I would use the gear.
What is the condition of the rest of the contents of the car carrier?
do you have insurance?
See you soon
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Post by rhino »

Your rack is fine. Team Safety would put it to use if you would like to donate anything!
"Hookers and drugs man. Money can't buy happiness but it's really hard not to smile when you're in a cheap hotel room surrounded by hookers and drugs." ~ Charlie
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