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No Dogs Allowed

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:55 pm
by Josephine
True or False: No Dogs Allowed means that we can leave our dog locked up in our car in the parking lot while we go climb.


Yesterday I went into Muir Valley and saw a car pull in with dogs. We went over and tried the friendly approach:
"Hi, where ya from?"
"Great, glad you're vising the Red. Um, Muir Valley is a No Dogs Allowed area. You could climb on forest service land or in the PMRP with your dogs..."

And it went downhill from there. Apparently they were PLANNING to leave their dogs in the car! WTF?!?! How cruel is that! :twisted: granted, when they told us this the dogs were running freely around the property while they unpacked so that may or may not have been their original plan. That may have been the 'quick, say something to appease the locals' reply.

My climbing partner gave them hell & pointed out that behavior like that is what ruins access. But since we can't exactly forcibly remove them there wasn't much more that he could do.

I realize that the offending parties will never read this site - but i REALLY hope that if they did bring their dogs to the cliff, that other people also gave them a piece of their mind too. Maybe if enough people stand together, those that do not wish to abide by the local regulations will chose other parts of the country to visit.


Correct answer: False! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:58 pm
by gripster
People suck. Is there not enough places in the Red to go without your dog? I got bit by a little ass-hole dog this weekend at Rumbling Bald. The owner explained to me that it was because the dog was in heat and was grouchy. Where do I start? Why did you bring the dog in the first place? Why didn't you put the dog on a leash? Why haven't you got the f#cking dog spayed?! I am really starting to hate everyone.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:06 pm
by bcombs
With the heat yesterday, I would have to guess a car could still get hot enough to kill a dog if it were in the direct sun. I don't know that for sure, though.

At any rate, the fold up dog crates are less than 50 bucks at Petsmart and take up little space when stowed. Just bring one of those and pop it up next to your car in the lot in some shade. Good to go. I have done this before (not in Muir), it works fine.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:26 pm
by gripster
I remember an incident at Torrent where someone had tied there dog to the "No Dogs Allowed" sign in the parking lot, and that didn't go over to well. Point being, if there are no dogs allowed then I think it safe to assume that the land owners don't want you to bring dogs on the property period. Climb somewhere else or leave your pooch at home!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:34 pm
by Horatio Felacio
what's wrong with leaving a dog in a car with the windows down on a 65 degree november day? they don't have anywhere else to leave their dog and they wanted to climb at muir. it's not really anyone's business.

another thing that isn't anyone's business is preaching to someone about rules and regulations of land that you don't own. maybe you should've said something like, "hey, dogs aren't allowed here. i'd recommend so-and-so's just as good as anything here. i'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but i just wanted to let you know that there might be a lot cocksuckers giving you shit for breaking the rules, and if the landowners catch you, they'll probably ban you from muir valley."

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:43 pm
by Barnacle Ben
14. Dogs are not allowed in Muir Valley. This includes the parking lot. Leaving your dog tied to your car or, worse yet, shut in your car puts you dog at unreasonable risk of injury or death by overheating.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:49 pm
by bcombs
Well... that answers that. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:14 pm
by Ascentionist
I am no bleeding heart for animals. I throw up a little in my mouth when I see people treating animals better than people.

But having said that, I just can't see how someone can justify dragging a pet everywhere they go (apparently because they just love them to death) and then disregarding any and all rules, regulations and common sense related to owning a pet.

Dogs are not children and cannot go everywhere you go. Plan accordingly.

If you get to your destination and find that having the dog is a problem, that in effect does not suspend common sense, even just for a little while. Change your plans to benefit the pet as well as your ego. That's life. Plans change. Don't make a poor dumb animal suffer because you didn't read the whole disclaimer on the website.

When Luke showed up at the Mos Eisley cantina with his droids he had to send them outside because their kind was not allowed. And then they were almost discovered by Imperial Stormtroopers. Because of Luke's irresponsibility the Death Star could still be in action today, bouncing around the galaxy, blasting planets at random, furthering the Emperor's evil agenda.

All because some stupid farm boy couldn't read a sign...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:17 pm
by Crankmas
it like that hope and change shit huh

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:53 pm
by caribe
Those were not the droids they were looking for. . .