In the event of an emergency...

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In the event of an emergency...

Post by weber »

In the aftermath of the accidents yesterday at Roadside, we've received phone calls and email asking what to do if someone is injured at Muir. So, in a nutshell...

In the event of an accident with serious injury in Muir Valley, please don't move the injured person unless you have medical training and appropriate equipment. First, try to call 911 and give as many details as you can as to what happened and the location. (Do not expect the Wolfe County EMTs to reach a victim at most the climbing areas at Muir. That probably will not happen.) Second, send a runner to the Webers' house or call 606-668-9066. Both Liz and I are Wilderness First Responders and have first aid gear ready to go. We can also get an ATV close to most climbing walls here. And we can also expedite an evacuation by the local rescue squad. If you cannot locate the Webers, call 911 AND call John May at 606-362-8065. John is almost always available, a WFR, and an excellent rope tech for any high and/or low angle work needed for a littered patient. He can also expedite a rescue op here at Muir if the Webers are not available to do so."
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau