Does anyone know of any good Hand-Fist stacking routes? Top-roped Yellow Sodimizer this last weekend and I thought it was a blast. I dont have too much experience with off-widths so if anyone knows any other fun moderate off-widths let me know.
Wide Pride at Lost Ridge is the baddest ass hand/fist stacking route in the Red. It's not too hard either (it's vertical). Check the online guide for directions. Email me if it doesn't make sense.
Symbol Man can be hand/fist stacked.
Better Red than Dead at Indian Creek.
Country Lovin' at Indian Creek
Hidden Dragon at Pistol Ridge
Bottom part of What's Left of the Beeneling can be stacked or arm-barred.
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
Thanks for the info SCIN. As soon as I find some big gear I think I will go humbly check out Wide Pride. As for the other routes, I will dream about them and live vicariously through others as the videos are probably as close as I will get to them. On that note, if anyone needs a belay and someone to follow them up some fun nastyness as such, but cannot find anyone willing to partake in such masochism, I will be around on the weekends from time to time.
"how he's blind after a life of enjoying being able to see."~Homer
also on the moderate stacking list i would add these routes:
rock rash, muscle beach
muscle shoals, muscle beach
speciman, skybridge
not worth it, military
OK- you get into a hand-fist stack. You shuffle up your feet. So far so good. But how do you then move your hands? Is the only way to get your feet/legs really jammed so that you are at least momentarily 'hands free'?