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Nobody loves a fat kid

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:54 pm
by _Rasputin
I just calculated my BMI and it is 25.4, I’m officially labeled as overweight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know your BMI can be B.S., think body builders, but in my case yes I need to lose a few pounds.

I wouldn’t mind so much but every year that goes by I seem to give up more and more just to maintain a high 20’s BMI. This is what I’ve given up through the years, and by given up I mean I eat this less than 5 times a year.

Red meat (moved to chicken and fish)
2% milk (drinking 1% now)
Beer on weeknights (well that’s more of a guideline)
French Fries (to steamed vegetables)
White Bread (to whole grain)
Lucky Charms (to high fiber cereal)
Ice cream
Taco Bell, McDonald, KFC, etc (to Panera and Chipotle, no cheese or sour cream)
Potato Chips & Doritos (to air popped popcorn and baked Lays)
Candy Bars

I could go on.

I work out longer, harder, smarter and eat better now than I did when my BMI was 23.4. I was climbing 5.12b then, now only 5.11b/c.

So I’m on a mission to drop 1lb a week for the remainder of the year, not sure how, but in the mean time feel free to point and laugh at the fat guy flailing all over 5.11, I need the motivation.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:24 pm
by KD
get some of that stuff makes people poop when they eat too much fat. Ive seen plenty of folks shit their way on down the scale an be able to snarf tater chips n fritos all the time. I forget the name of it but its a over the counter thing. allegra or something like that.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:36 am
by Saxman
It's not just what you eat, but how much and when. All 3 are important.

Re: Nobody loves a fat kid

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:30 am
by jordancolburn
Red meat (moved to chicken and fish)
2% milk (drinking 1% now)
Beer on weeknights (well that’s more of a guideline)
French Fries (to steamed vegetables)
White Bread (to whole grain)
Lucky Charms (to high fiber cereal)
Ice cream
Taco Bell, McDonald, KFC, etc (to Panera and Chipotle, no cheese or sour cream)
Potato Chips & Doritos (to air popped popcorn and baked Lays)
Candy Bars
Who gave you my grocery list? seriously, this is pretty much my diet. I'm sure I'll be in your position here in about 5 years.

get some of that stuff makes people poop when they eat too much fat. Ive seen plenty of folks shit their way on down the scale an be able to snarf tater chips n fritos all the time. I forget the name of it but its a over the counter thing. allegra or something like that.
Alli? Heard some lady talking about it a few years ago. Details of it kinda made me wanna throw up.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:18 pm
by _Rasputin
It's not just what you eat, but how much and when. All 3 are important.
I agree, however my diet does reflect much of the latest scientific data on what, when, and how to eat. It definitely helps however every year there's always one additional thing I seem to give up just to maintain my current weight.

My typical eating habits:
Breakfast: High fiber cereal w/ 1% milk and half a banana
Snack: 100 to 150 calories of something high protein, fiber, or fruit
Lunch: Usually a sandwich, mustard, lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and side of yogurt, or 1/2 oz of pretzels
Another Snack: 100 to 150 calories of something high protein and fiber or fruit
Dinner: Chicken, fish, lean pork, 2 vegetables, carb dish

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:28 pm
by Josephine - i lost 25 lbs in a few months using this type of site. it's not free. i didn't like the free ones.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:47 pm
by kek-san
Unfortunately it is pretty simple. Count 'em

Calories in > Calories out ---> weight up
Calories out > Calories in ---> weight down

The first 25# was much easier than the second 25# for me. For the first set I trained for a marathon. Forced the schedule for exercise and had a ramp up to prevent injury.

The second set diet was tracked and adjusted relative to basal metabolism (measured) + workouts (estimated)

Also remember muscle weighs more than fat. So don't get too hung up on mass.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:53 pm
by DriskellHR
I have not gained a pound in 10yrs. I eat.... A lot, Last night I had, grilled cheese sandwhich with two slices of swiss and one slice of american and some corned beef. with bean with bacon soup, then I ate bout half a bag of salt-n-vinger chips, bowl of ice cream, bag of popcorn, serving of chocolate pudding, and some trail mix......

I figure I'm going to get fat someday anyway so.... :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:05 pm
by anticlmber
skinny don't equal healthy, remember that first and foremost.

don't worry fatrasp, just stand next to me and you'll look just like kate moss fuking ali mcbeal.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:40 pm
by Saxman
kek-san wrote:Unfortunately it is pretty simple. Count 'em

Calories in > Calories out ---> weight up
Calories out > Calories in ---> weight down
Unfortunately, that is not true. Your bodies insulin response and the way the calories are stored blow the calorie in calorie out idea right out of the water.