JATD 09 Recap

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JATD 09 Recap

Post by Josephine »

Read about what went down at www.rrgcc.org
Also - a big THANK YOU the volunteers that came and to those that helped from afar:

abby ames
alexis jones
amy tackett
amy wong
ann marie snider
arthur cammers
austin hubbuch
barry brolley
ben cassedy
bentley brackett
bill strachan
blake bowling
bob matheny
bram bell
brent dupree
dianne clark
candice peek
chad hume
chad moberley
charlie rittenberry
christopher horn
curtis gale-dyer
dave jasperson
david scott
elodie saracco
emery mcviear
eric davenport
etienne seppecher
gita lubke
gregory humburg
j j jones
james murphy
jane maurer
janelle anderson
jason marshall
jason otremba
jay weeks
jenna davenport
jerrod harper
jessica baker
jessica brackett
jessica rosenberg
jessie bronough
jim holtzman
joel handley
joel patrino
john gould
josephine neff
josh lamar
justin bartlett
karissa dunbar
kate laboone
kathryn gulley
kathryn west
kristen coriell
kristin harvey
landen McCarley
mark jackson
mark ryan
martine holtzman
mason howard
matt hughes
matt tackett
michael anderson
michael susko
mike davenport
mike trabel
morgain sprague
morgan burton
neal strickland
nichole henry
norma froelich
patrick driskell
paul vidal
phil wilkes
quentin patrick
regan baum
richard goodwin
robert keith todd
ryan simpson
ryan smith
sage cammers-goodwin
sandy davies
sarah albani
seth m clifton
sierra jones
stephanie meadows
suzanne strachen
tania allen
tatiana davydova
tina bronough
tom simpson
travis peek
wes allen
yasmeen fowler
zachory moore

The majority of the names/spellings came from the signed waivers. I apologize if I didn't get the spelling quite right - please PM me and i'll get that fixed. Also - if you helped but somehow didn't sign a waiver please let me know so we can be sure to count you as well! :-D
"Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game." ~ Under the Tuscan Sun
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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2003 5:24 pm

Post by Crankmas »

it looks like Heidi and Spencer weren't there
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