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water purification?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:15 am
by john e aragon
I need to buy a water filter/purifier. But I do not know anything at all about them could someone please recommend something?

water purificaion Systems.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:49 am
by Golite45
I Have had over the years 3 different generations of the MSR mini works system. I have used the water purification pens But feel they just take as much time to operate as a Pump version. I will go with the simplicty of a pump over a electric based unit( Battey opperated unit. ) Just speaking from my experience on the matter. Hope it has brought a thought to you on the decision process!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:33 am
by Snowpuppy
MSR mini works (pump version) I've had mine over 10 years and still works very well.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:51 am
by rohr
I have a Katadyn Hiker and I'd recommend it. I'm on my second one now. The first one died after 10+ years of use. MSR makes good stuff too. I'm paranoid about water, so I also add a few drops of MSR "sweetwater" chemical (a.k.a. chlorine) to the water after I filter it just in case anything got through the filter. It adds a very slight bleachy flavor to the taste, but it's barely noticeable.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:10 am
by Don McGlone
When did you start drinking water?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:48 am
by GWG
I have used Polar Pur for the past 10 years. Iodine crystals in a jar. Add water to prime it. This makes a saturated solution of iodine which you add to your water bottle. The jar is good for over 2,000 liters and only cost around $10. Last time I purchased one, it was from Campmor.

If you don't like the taste of iodine, add drink mix to mask the flavor. I did have a pump filter but switched after I had problems with it early into a week long backpacking trip. Fortunately, I was lucky and didn't get sick from tainted water.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:10 am
by p0bray01
Katadyn Hiker Pro is what I use...turned muddy water to spring water. Very highly reccomend!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:32 pm
by Savage
Here is my advice from 4 years working at REI and 7 years of hiking in the mountains:

Filter - removes baceteria ONLY. Viruses are too small to be caught by a filter
Purifier - removes everything but is done by: adding iodine, adding clorine solution, or UV light (the only one that doesnt leave te water with a bad taste).

Anywhere in the US or Canada, you are probably fine with a filter (its all I have ever used and have had no issues). The biggest things you catch are Giardia and Crypto, filters will catch both of them.

I reccomend the MSR Miniworks. Its attaches directly to NALGENEs and helps keep the output side clean. They are VERY easy to clean in the field. The ceramic filter can be removed and lightly scrubbed when it gets dirty. Everytime its hard to pump, just pull the filter and clean it and you will be pumpin easy. Also, it has a Carbon core which removes any funky taste from the water.

The other one I saw mentioned was the Katadyn(formerly PUR) Hiker. These take about half the time to pump a liter of water, but I do not like them for two reasons. 1. SOME of them use iodine which really makes the water taste bad, IMO. 2.) they are paper filters and cannot be cleaned. You must replace them when they get dirty. Its a pain to always carry an extra filter with you...

Thats my two cents.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:39 pm
by Saxman
Avoid iodine. The taste is not worth it. MSR Miniworks unless you need virus protection then SteriPen. The SteriPen is also great for traveling. Just order tap water and zap it.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:59 pm
by Savage
SteriPen is the UV I was talking about....

Also, note there is a MINIworks and a WATERworks. WATERworks has a 2nd stage filter on it which filters even smaller particulate but does still not get viruses. NOT worth the extra money and the 2nd stage filter is not serviceable....