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Guides at the Red

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 7:10 pm
by cat
I'm going to the Gorge at the end of June and hoping to possibly find a guide. If you all know of any guides at the gorge, if you could let me know that would be appreciated. If you have their URL, phone number, or anything else that would be great.


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:16 pm
by Wicked Tribe
I sent you a private message.

If anyone else is interested I do guided and instructional climbing and rappelling. Email me at for more details.


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 10:57 pm
by Bruisebrother
Yo, Wicked Tribe you registered with the Forest Service? Hope so! You should be setting a good example for the out of town Guides frequenting the Gorge!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:30 am
by Gretchen
Yeah he has a special use permit.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 9:31 am
by Wicked Tribe
Yep, been through all the proper channels. Been guiding since '98 in RRG.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 12:12 am
by Bruisebrother
Thought so Chris. However, in the past few years several Guides have been working in the Gorge unpermitted! Breaking F.S. Regs. and threatening our privilege to climb in the Daniel Boone Nat. Forest. They will no longer be tolerated! (Bruise Brothers Mtn. Club) :evil:

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:38 am
by Wicked Tribe
What you going to do? Break their kneecaps?

If you really want to do some good, every time you see a huge group of college kids from a place like Miami University or Iowa Tech Christian driving around in their caravan of 15 passenger vans stop them and ask them politely if they have a special use permit. These groups need to have them too, even if they are not making a profit. They won't be charged like a commmercial guide but the FS will be able to regulate their use somewhat.

For instance, my permit says that I am not allowed to park a 15 passenger van at Fortress wall. I am allowed to guide there, just not park a big vehicle. How many times have you been to Fortress and seen a couple big ole buses parked there?

They need to be in the system. They need to know the regulations and be aware of any restrictions placed on other guideservices.

That and they're ultra obnoxious most of the time, taking over crags for the day, trampling large swaths of vegetation like a herd of buffalo with the leaders spraydogging like the devil himself. Do your part, turn em in!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:38 am
by Guest
Wicked Tribe you are right on and I think several of us intend to make this a priority of the CAC.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:19 am
by Bruisebrother
Wicked, you're right about the groups with vans! And like Lynne said they shall be targeted also, along with others breaking Regulations and threatening our privilege to climb. Kneecap attacks are for repeat ofenders. It's easy enough to get names and vehicle tag numbers and report them to the F.S. Everyone who climbs in and loves the Gorge should be active and vocal in this. The F.S. with limited $ and manpower wish the Climbing community to be self managed as much as possible!