damn right we are recession proof...and yes sunshine is one of those routes listed....think of it this way...at least they don't mention the REALLY good routes and then everybody would come to clog up other areas.
"The Mountains are my church and climbing is how I worship" - Tommy Caldwell
leave it to climbers to promote road trips after losing a job
Courtesy of Andrew: "I don't think you will damage your escort unless she trips because she is so strung out on blow. Most people just take them to the rest area."
Ticklist: Sunshine (5.9+), Military Wall; Rock Wars (5.10a), Long Wall; Fuzzy Undercling (5.11a), Military Wall; 8 Ball (5.12d), Motherlode; Table of Colors (5.13a or 5.13b), Left Flank
This must mean it's time for Rock Wars to get bolted.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)