Broken ankle
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:49 pm
Hi everyone:
In 17 years never had a climbing injury where I was the climber...usually I get injured belaying. Oh well...I broke my medial malleolus...that is the inside ankle bone. No, there were no ambulances picking me up as a matter of fact I was giving betta to a friend while waiting till my dear husband to drive up driveby to pick me up and drive me to Dayton. Did it hurt? Yes, it did but not as much as I would have expected. How did I do it...the belayer jumped early to give me a safe catch pulling me with great force into the rock...ending up with as much slack as I had above bellow the last bolt. Yes, it was very overhanging route, it is possible to break an ankle in an overhanging route
So two days later I had surgery to put two screws in and attach it back to the tibia. That was two weeks ago since more week and I will see the doctor again, it is in an aircast with but I can't walk on it yet. The doctor expects full recovery so I am hoping to see you all soon at the crag. Right now I am a one legged board and weight training (training weight that aircast) and just wanted you all to give me some advice if you ever had a similar situation or some training advice 
In 17 years never had a climbing injury where I was the climber...usually I get injured belaying. Oh well...I broke my medial malleolus...that is the inside ankle bone. No, there were no ambulances picking me up as a matter of fact I was giving betta to a friend while waiting till my dear husband to drive up driveby to pick me up and drive me to Dayton. Did it hurt? Yes, it did but not as much as I would have expected. How did I do it...the belayer jumped early to give me a safe catch pulling me with great force into the rock...ending up with as much slack as I had above bellow the last bolt. Yes, it was very overhanging route, it is possible to break an ankle in an overhanging route