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Red River Reunion Climbing Competition at Torrent

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:40 pm
by Rick
. . . . . . ATTENTION SPICY PEPPERS . . . . . .


the rundown
Sign up at Miguel's at 9:00 am on Saturday
Carpool to Torrent
Talk to Rick<sign>
Crush routes until your fingers bleed or 5:00 pm, whichever comes first
Return to the reunion festivities for the awards

the details
points = bolts clipped on redpoint x multiplier (more for harder routes)
2 divisions each for girls and boys Jalapeno and Habanero




Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:51 am
by Rick
hey hey

here are the comp results, a little delayed. I tried my best with the names.

Ladies Jalapeno
Josephine Neff 7 routes 62 points
Norma Froelich 7 routes 59 points
Cassy Grenther 3 routes 20 points

Mens Jalapeno
Talyor Duncan 12 routes 147 points
Sean Stone 11 routes 94 points
Jamon Mohan 6 routs 84 points
Luc Gruenther 6 routes 69 points
Devin Tran 8 routes 51 points
Bredoom 3 routes 34 points
Greg Humburg 4 routes 28 points

Ladies Habinero
Karissa Dunbar 16 routes 204 points
Emily Rubin 3 routes 23 points

Mens Habinero
Brent Perkins 18 routes 266 points
Nathan Drolet 13 routes 172 points
Greg Martin 9 routes 103 points
Jordan 6 routes 74 points
Dustin Einig 5 routes 64 points
Ken Thompson 3 routes 32 points

Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to all the sponsors of the Red River Reunion especially Miguel's Pizza and Dario and Dr Bob.



Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:10 pm
by TankAzz
woo hoo! nice job, everyone! i especially liked that karissa smoked most of the men's competition as well (sorry, guys)