Could this Make money For RRGCC?

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Could this Make money For RRGCC?

Post by peteypablo »

I know nobody wants this site to turn into a advertisement, but looking around on some outdoor websites you can become an affliate by linking for example this website to , and a portion of sales generated by this site could go back into land access issues or to RRGCC, just an idea dont know how much it would generate but if there was a single list of .com sites, gorge climbers could buy their gear by going to this site then linking to outdoor site and making money for RRGCC, just an idea if u know more info about this please comment- happy holidays- -pablo
captain static
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Post by captain static »

The RRGCC has considered this and in became an affiliate of We could discuss starting more affiliate relationships during our upcoming Strategic Planning meeting which BTW is scheduled for Jan. 11, 2009 (More details will be posted soon).
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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Post by Xtant »

Strippers raise money, too. Just a thought...
Sure is a lot of fun while you're doing it...
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Post by tania »

Xtant wrote:Strippers raise money, too. Just a thought...

Apparently this topic has been discussed a certain someone...that is close to me... :evil: :evil: ... sc&start=0
"Life is a balance of holding on and letting go." ~Keith Urban
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Post by charlie »

"Dancers" raise lots of things.
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Post by Crankmas »

that post was from 2003- 03 is ancient history
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Post by KD »

Crankmas wrote:that post was from 2003- 03 is ancient history
stripping is a business where seniority is a bad thing.
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Post by woodchuck008 »

Although we don't want to take all our gear business away from Miguels,
there are great deals and good selection year round at,,, and of course EMS.
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Post by local »
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