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Derby Fest and the weekend report

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:10 pm
by Guest
I'm somewhat disappointed at the turn out for Derby Fest. Those of you who could have come and did not missed the CAC election, the Murray Property presentation/discussion & auction kick-off, and some fandamntastic entertainment - not to mention the great company of those of us who were there. I hope the lack of participation in this event is not an indication of the level of support the RRGCC can expect for the land purchase. The RRGCC is working very hard on this, folks, and your support is CRITICAL. Please help!

I had a great weekend of climbing. The weather was great - overcast and not too hot, very little rain and none of it interfered with climbing. I had the pleasure of climbing with Jack and Zemcat on Sunday, and Johnny and his family on Monday and I can't decide if the climbing or the company was more enjoyable. At Derby Fest I got to meet tbone and his wife and new baby - what a little beauty he is! - as well as Bruisebrother and his lovely wife, The Lurkist and his beautiful wife and adorable baby daughter, Chester (finally - yay!!), Spragwa - my TGB partner in crime - and her Demon Devil Dog who my daughter loved. I was also fortunate to meet up with Big Country and his wife and their brand new son, Boone who is the spitting image of his daddy. Great people, great climbing. All in all a fantastic weekend!

So how was your weekend?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:29 pm
by StephyG
I was psyched to go hang out after climbing on sunday; however, the festival seemed to have strayed from its planned schedule. We were leaving miguels at 9pm and then someone said it was over and had been for a while. What happened to the:

9:00 CHARITY ROUTE AUCTION Kick-off and Open-house
10:00 Live Band Party!

Que Paso?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:32 pm
by Guest
I missed seeing you and Batguano, Muao Dib!! We were there until after 10 and the band was still rocking - I would have stayed later but I had to get back to the kiddoes. You got bad info! However the meat of the program was a bit earlier.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:39 pm
by StephyG
Bummer!! Was it Odub that was still rocking after 10pm?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:46 pm
by Gretchen
Defnitely got some bad info! THe Band played until 10PM but could have played later had there been more climbers!

Thanks to all of those who came to Derbyfest!! Also to those who helped with all of the set up.
Kick a$$ job on the presentation Johnny!!!
Kris Hamton aka ODUB, You are AWESOME!! I wish you the very best with your album release! Can't wait to hear more at Rocktoberfest (Oct. 11-13 , so mark your calendars!)
Thanks to Soup Bone for an really bluesy good time! Would love to hear them again!
Thanks to Mark & Cathy for hosting yet another event!! Mad props to the cooks!

I too was a bit disappointed for the attendance. The rain wasn't that big of a deal! Plus the event was inside! And I truely hope that this is not reflective of what we expect in the way of support for the Murray Property purchase. THis is a BIG deal! The bottom line is: if there is no support, there is no purchase! We can't do this with out YOU! THe RRGCC is willing to put in the major effort to make this happen but it is not possible with out the donations.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 1:57 pm
by Spragwa
There was bad info and bad PR. I was talking to people at the cliff Sat and Sun, who were camping at Miguel's, and who had NO idea that Derby Fest was going on, what it was or where it was. Once I told them, they said that they didn't have the cash to go. I too was disappointed at the attendance but I don't think it was apathy. Part is that the word wasn't out and that $25 is a bit steep for a lot of climbers. People think that the buy is a good idea but maybe more frequent, cheaper fundraisers is better. Just a thought.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:14 pm
by Gretchen
THere was no fee to attend. The info has been on the websites. We have been posting the dates for well over 6 months. Alot of time & effort is put into putting on a n event and there certainly are not enough volunteers to run more fundraisors. We only have so much cash on the coffers as well. Events cost money! We have only so many cheap advertising methods that we can utilize on a regular basis. What we need is a full-time fundraiser as well as a paid staff to handle the volume of work that needs to be done and is being done by volunteers in the limited free time! So this can be very aggrevaiting work. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:24 pm
by Spragwa
Hmm. I thought that it was only on the web site about 3 weeks ago? Ah well. I agree that a lot of time and effort was put in. Somehow, the word didn't get out though, even at Miguel's. I was under the mistaken impression that it was $25 to attend. My mistake. I just now became an RRGCC member so I'm an admitted slacker but am glad to put my back into it! I was just surprised that no one knew.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:27 pm
by Gretchen
We updated the events but the date has been there since Rocktoberfest. Plus it was posted at Miguel's on the RRGCC kiosk. People need to read it to keep up!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:43 pm
by Guest
we met climbers out in the Southern Region who had no idea Derby Fest was going on or why, even though they had printouts from the online guidebook. Naturally we educated them and I do think they understand and will $upport the RRGCC efforts to buy the land, but how do we get the word out and inspire people, while incurring minimal expense? Does anyone have any either fresh or time tested ideas which can perhaps make an incremental difference?

Volunteers are desperately needed. Think about what talents you have and where you could help and contact the RRGCC!