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Colored chalk

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 11:52 am
by Rain Man
Hey, I was doing a little searching and came across this product called Rock Chalk (tm) and was wondering if anyone has any experience with it. I did a search in the archives for "colored chalk" and "chalk" and saw no posting even remotely related to this stuff, though, I didn't read every single post to try and find it, but they didn't date back very far at all. If this has been discussed before, I'd appreciate being directed to the location. I don't actually USE chalk, because I get MORE than enough just by touching the wall :evil: on most climbs, because people are too damn lazy, or inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact that the rock is not THEIR toy to clean a route after they've climbed it. This isn't an "Anit-chalk" post. Quite the contrary, it's a curiosity post, because my biggest beef is the ugly, white blotches scattered all over the rocks, ruining the scene, marking out the holds and generally detracting from the experience of climbing something w/o beta. IF the day should come when I decide to use chalk (of my own and not picked up from the wall), like, say in the dead of Summer, I don't want to become part of the problem (actually, I just won't use white chalk, period, or I'll climb with a water bottle and scrub brush for the trip down :D ). I'd appreciate any and all input on this colored chalk (but only if you've used it, or had direct contact with someone who's used it).


Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 1:09 pm
by Wes
I think some of this kind of stuff will stain the wall. White chalk might not look all that great, but it does come off.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 2:34 pm
by Danny
At least you can see where the white chalk is to brush it off. I don't like the idea of chalk being there in disguise. I just figure the popular sport routes are going to be chalked up so big deal. If chalk really bothers you that much the majority of the routes in the red are probably not chalked up so you'll have plenty to keep you busy.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:46 pm
by Rain Man
If standing, climbing, hanging or holding directly in front this colored chalk, you can easily see where it is, it's not CLEAR, or "light refracting" chalk, like something from Predator :roll: . The aesthetic benefit comes from not looking at a wall 200' away and seeing white blobs all over it. The point is not "if you don't like it leave", the point is not being PART of the problem when the time comes that I'm sweating like an Alter Boy called to the preist's office at 2:00 a.m :shock: . I am about to start carrying a brush with me, even though I don't have a chalkbag to carry it conveniently, so I can clean some of this stuff ignored by the previous climbers to lazy or self-absorbed to clean up after themselves. Like I said, THIS IS NOT AN "I HATE ALL CHALK AND PEOPLE WHO USE CHALK" thread, this is a question to people who have used or know someone who has used colored chalk and how well it works, whether it "cakes" when wet, is very fine, or too course, etc. I have seen this chalk on boulders before and didn't hardly know it was there until I was close to the rock. It's good stuff from a "clean rock" point of view.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:13 pm
by SikMonkey
Luke, you will join the Chalked Side or you will be forever doomed to grease off the rock like an egg on teflon! :lol:

In actuality, check out this chalk review from Climbing Magazine....


Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:18 pm
by Guest
I don't see eco chalk on that list. Avoid it like the plague is all I have to say. I bought it to use in Utah (no marks) and then thought it would be good on my home woodie. Wrong! The stuff gets caked in the pores of the holds and hardens up, leaving the hold slick and utterly useless until that shit is disolved with alcohol. ARGH!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:22 pm
by Rain Man
Is eco chalk a brand? the brand I found was Rock Chalk...sold exclusively through Sik's review link he posted doesn't say anything about the Rock Chalk, which, they say, is makde form the same material as the standard white climbing/gymnasts chalk, but with an eco-friendly "all natural pigment".

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:25 pm
by Guest
Yeah sorry Eco-Chalk is the brand name. It comes in a nylon netting ball and is gray in color. I don't see it at REI's site anymore. Maybe they stopped making it?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:27 pm
by Guest
wait, I see a Metolius "Eco Ball" which may be the same thing, though the bag is definitely different. Hard to say. Sorry.

Stick with Bison chalk, or if you really sweat, use Super Chalk and brush away excess when you clean the route. I'm trying to use less and less chalk. Actually I haven't used it at all lately.

Of course I haven't been climbing, either. :roll:

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:27 pm
by Wes
"all natural pigment" Which could stain the rock for much longer then the white stuff.
