The party for whom an American triumph over the enemies of civilization is the worst possible news.
"Iraq has changed considerably, and while not pacified, it is certainly moving rapidly towards stability. The Iraqi people have left Barack Obama to bitterly cling to an Iraq that no longer exists, as a candidate unable to accept change or provide hope." Ouch.
What has the Democratic party become?
Lincoln was the original Republican, he produced the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves, at least in the confederacy but that was just some lawyerize that anyone without a law degree refers to as bullshit. Over time and the demise of the American intelligentsia it became obvious to the liberal nutjobs that appealling to the minorities could well swing elections in their favor, (not unlike the way current Repubs play the national security issue, gay-marriage, immigration etc) when Johnson opened the vault so to speak with welfare and affirmative action etc. he undid the good that had occured to minorities following the second world war and policies that broke down color barriers were replaced with the policies that put race back in the forefront, it destroyed the family and enslaved the recipients of government handouts, to govt. housing, govt healthcare etc. to maintain this enslavement for a lack of a more PC term minorities became a democratic voting block. Thats my take but I'm confused about the Obama reference in the original post.
Re: What has the Democratic party become?
It that even a complete sentence?L K Day wrote:The party for whom an American triumph over the enemies of civilization is the worst possible news.
Although solid sentence structure the accuracy of that statement is definitely debatable. I applaud whoever it was that originally wrote it for command of basic grammar.L K Day wrote:"Iraq has changed considerably, and while not pacified, it is certainly moving rapidly towards stability.
The Iraqi people have left the political campaign for Obama? The fact that certain delusional groups believe the "rapid movement towards stability" will inevitably destroy the Democratic Party? What the hell is that supposed to mean?L K Day wrote:The Iraqi people have left Barack Obama to bitterly cling to an Iraq that no longer exists, as a candidate unable to accept change or provide hope." Ouch.
I understand some people cannot grasp any politician complex enough to develop a platform with more than a single plank, but Iraq is not what I am voting for. And no, I am not a Democrat.
Seriously, that is the worst troll I've ever seen. Continue with pedestrian political spouting if need be, but at least use complete sentences.
L K Day wrote: "Iraq has changed considerably, and while not pacified, it is certainly moving rapidly towards stability.
Pacified??? . . . .?
Stability? You mean stability without USA occupation? How is that assessed?
Rhetoric and fear got us there and rhetoric and fear will keep us there. Rhetoric and fear will likely prevent many Americans from voting for a Woman or a Black person.
Pacified??? . . . .?
Stability? You mean stability without USA occupation? How is that assessed?
Rhetoric and fear got us there and rhetoric and fear will keep us there. Rhetoric and fear will likely prevent many Americans from voting for a Woman or a Black person.