wow, is this out of context or did many people cancel on account of rain?
You have to remember that not many people are like you ... you think it's okay if you pull your shoulder out of socket, break a bone, pull a tendon as long as the climb was completely adventurous.
J-Rock wrote:I don't understand some climbers these days. I don't know if these sissy boys and girls are victims of the climbing gym mentality or they just don't get outside enough.
Yeah, a large group cancelled because they said that it was "too risky" to go there because the forecast was "so bad". Most of the people that were planning on being there are still going though. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Actually the forecast looks pretty good. I do love adventure!
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
Well, if the rain continues then you won't catch me climbing Wild Gift for the 1,000th time. My ass will be up in Cincy cranking on the dry holds of Climb Time.
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
I am heading down from Louisville. Will be leaving early Saturday morning to arrive around 7:30. Will stay until Sunday late afternoon barring no complications. If anyone is needing a ride from Louisville, PM me today.
I'll be there around 8:00 or so, once I find the place. I'm bringing a mattock, shovel and prumers. I'm good at trail leveling kind of stuff so you'll probably want me there. I'll do whatever grunt stuff you need me for. I have to leave around 2:00 beause I have family in from out of town due to a death in the family. Wish I could stay the whole weekend but I'll work double hard while you got me.
The Gathering was a great success. Many trails were reworked and are now easier to hike and more straightforward. I worked on a new switchback below the Sanctuary, and then tweeked the trail over to Indy Wall and then towards Great Wall. The trail up to the 5.10 wall is really nice, now, too.
Thanks to Rick and Liz and all for a great party at the school. It is the first time ever that I have seen the locals mix with the climbers. I'd like to see more of that.
Heading down to San Antonio tomorrow. I hope to try out a couple places called (I think) Shivano Roof and Rolling Wall.
Everyone did an amazing amount of work down there! And the party was great fun. Thank you, Rick and Liz!!
Rick, could you get the recipe for that coleslaw and post it on the forum? The chef said she'd get it to you for me. That stuff was rivaled in taste only by Mr. Spark's chicken. YUM!