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Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:42 am
by t bone
Thanks for the offer saxman, we could use some help in that area for sure. pm me when you are available.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:37 am
by weber
As Tim Powers, Jared Hancock, Karla Carandang and others continue to put up first class routes in Muir Valley, we are seeing more and more visitors. In order to keep things running smoothly and safely, it is necessary to post some guideline clarifications and reminders.

Please park in the graveled parking lot with the Muir Valley Kiosk. If that is full, then park in the flat areas near the parking lot. Also, you can park in the flat area at the end of the road at the top of the steep logging road down to the Tantroft Branch Hollow area. This logging road is washed out at the bottom and impassible to vehicular traffic. So, don’t drive down; you will find a nasty surprise around the bend near the bottom. However, this road is a less strenuous hike than the trail from the primary parking lot. In all cases, please don’t block the road or park on our neighbors’ properties.

If you want to establish a route in Muir Valley, first contact Tim Powers. Only those routes approved by Tim will be allowed to be set up in the Valley. So far, this has worked very well. Tim has not refused any reasonable request. However, we can all appreciate the importance of preventing an Oklahoma Landrush mentality. So, Tim has established rules and guidelines that must be followed, including the type of hardware used. He will be happy to discuss any route setting ideas you may have. You can contact him at:

Also, please note that there are no “blanket permits” for setting routes in the Valley. Each and every route you wish to establish must be submitted to Tim for approval.

If you wish to set up a trad route and receive FA credit, you are expected to install safe anchors and clean the route in the same manner as you would a sport route.

After you have signed an on-line release form at , you can contact Tim to get the combination to the lock on the gate. Most of the time on weekends, the gate will be open. But, don’t count on that and find yourselves locked in or out with no combination.

Have fun and climb safely!

Rick and Liz Weber