Naked Bambi Hunts

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Post by Spragwa »

I would love to live without gas! There are hydrogen engines, there are electric engines, there are engines that run on many sources aside from gas. We have the technology. If we run out of oil, the companies will be forced to produce them. BRING IT ON!!!!! I'd be happy as hell.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by kato »

Scrmnpeeler: There's definitely a big picture aspect to this that most people with strong opinions completely ignore. Those that oppose this whole thing are quite willing to postulate any number of unintentional consequences in the countries that are not directly affected by the invasion of Iraq, but turn a blind eye to the idea that there may be intentional consequences that are compelling reason for the invasion. Saddam deserved to be deposed in his own right, but I think he was partially in the wrong place at the wrong time. A meltdown in the middle east has led to world war before. Why the Balkans should be so pivotal, I don't know. But the U.S. is in a historically unusual situation of being the only super power in a relatively peaceful time. You may or may not agree that we have a moral responsibility to preserve that peace as well as possible, but we certainly have economic responsibilities. And yes, I realize that the personalities involved most certainly have ulterior or personal motives. Did anyone expect something different?

Spragwa: You CAN live without gas, RIGHT NOW! Just quit buying gas! You wouldn't be the first, but you will be a leader in that movement. May I suggest though, that in terms of environmental impact, quitting the use of electricity might be more effective?

tomdarch: Iraq's second largest export before sanctions was dates!
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Post by Spragwa »

Kato: I've actually considered it. There are cars on the market that run on other sources. In the Commonwealth, our state cars can run on gas or a gas substitute sold at state pumps. If you buy a used state car at auction, you can then buy the gas. I am waiting until 2004 though to buy a hybrid SUV. Late summer 2004, Ford is producing the Escape hybrid. It still runs on gas but gets 40 miles to the gallon with negligible to zero gas emissions. That's the best engine out there as far as I can tell.
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Post by SikMonkey »

...and has 2.5 horsepower! I am going to buy an old camaro, take the muffler off of it, install a nice limited slip rear differential and give it a body lift and use THAT as my crag mobile. It will have plenty of ground clearance and as long as I don't get it out of 3rd gear going up hills, I should have just enough traction to go anywhere I want in the Southern Region. :lol: ...just kidding btw. I would NEVER foresake my Subaru!

Last edited by SikMonkey on Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by kato »

I've got high hopes for hydrogen. I've been thinking about setting up a hydrogen gas station. It may be a little early yet, but there's nothing like getting in on the ground floor! If you go hydrogen, you can be my first customer!
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Cleaner and more efficient is awsome. Cheaper and widely available is much more popular. American Oil companies are one the forefront of the Chemical Engineering field, any research and development on hybrid cars and alternate fuels is going to come from your gas money. Drive a Hummer 2 at 14 mpg and you are really supporting the future of fossil fuels and clean energy. In a sick way.
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Where the hell is this thread going?
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.
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Post by Power2U »

I just want to say that for $1,000 I'll run around naked in the woods and Spragwa or any other lady or group of ladies that can come up with a grand are welcome to try and shoot me with a paint gun.

If I could get 20-30 gigs like this a year I would quit my job in a second! :D

Imagine only having to work 30 days a year to make a tax free $30,000....climbing bum with a bank account..that's what i'd be :!:
Lest we all forget... climbing is a mostly meaningless pursuit that we do for fun.
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Post by pigsteak »

I am in as well....Except I'll take $900....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Spragwa »

Sorry guys, nice offer but I'll pass.

Toyota has a concept car that look SWEET! It has a hydrogen engine on the Highlander chasis. I'm so psyched about it. They have no production schedule though. That sucks. Kato, I'll totally be your first customer.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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