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Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:33 pm
by JR
It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC. Where's the love. United we stand divided we(east coast) will lose to those Hella Fags out west.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:37 pm
by gripster
JR wrote:It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC. Where's the love. United we stand divided we(east coast) will lose to those Hella Fags out west.
hey now i am in no way knocking the red, it is my favorite place to climb ever!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:18 pm
by GWG
It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC.
And here I thought it was the South vs North! Rebel vs Yank!

I'm anxious to hear the comparisons between the gorge vs the gunks from people who've climbed in both areas. I did VERY little trad climbing in the gorge when I lived in KY but have been climbing quite a bit at the gunks since moving north.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:31 pm
by camhead
GWG wrote:
It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC.
And here I thought it was the South vs North! Rebel vs Yank!

I'm anxious to hear the comparisons between the gorge vs the gunks from people who've climbed in both areas. I did VERY little trad climbing in the gorge when I lived in KY but have been climbing quite a bit at the gunks since moving north.
interesting that this should come up, and I love talking shit and/or extolling on different regions' climbing and styles. I climb pretty regularly at the RRG. Although I almost always pack a small rack around to the crag in case a nice crack shows up, I find myself doing almost exclusively sport here. With about 4-6 few exceptions, the sport lines here CRUSH the trad...

As for the Gunks, we just took a trip out there; I love that place. I tried a roof crack there, which had fixed stoppers all the way through it, so I left some draws on it. The locals threw a hissy fit! Check it out, I'd love to hear a RRG perspective on this: ... 29df7b9c2e

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:46 pm
by JR
Loved the tone of RangerRob. Very local sounding. The kind of local that thinks that people should climb the way he does.

I like the way he could have/should have stolen the gear. Didn't take the gear. Yet still laments his choice.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:10 pm
by camhead
JR wrote:Loved the tone of RangerRob. Very local sounding. The kind of local that thinks that people should climb the way he does.

I like the way he could have/should have stolen the gear. Didn't take the gear. Yet still laments his choice.
yeah, I couldn't get it into those guys' heads that welded stoppers, for all intents and purposes, make a route a sport climb. Oh noez! I imposed RRG ethix on teh Gunks! :evil: :evil: :evil: