Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:33 pm
It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC. Where's the love. United we stand divided we(east coast) will lose to those Hella Fags out west.
The old Forums
hey now i am in no way knocking the red, it is my favorite place to climb ever!JR wrote:It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC. Where's the love. United we stand divided we(east coast) will lose to those Hella Fags out west.
And here I thought it was the South vs North! Rebel vs Yank!It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC.
interesting that this should come up, and I love talking shit and/or extolling on different regions' climbing and styles. I climb pretty regularly at the RRG. Although I almost always pack a small rack around to the crag in case a nice crack shows up, I find myself doing almost exclusively sport here. With about 4-6 few exceptions, the sport lines here CRUSH the trad...GWG wrote:And here I thought it was the South vs North! Rebel vs Yank!It is East Coast vs. West Coast not Ky vs. NC.
I'm anxious to hear the comparisons between the gorge vs the gunks from people who've climbed in both areas. I did VERY little trad climbing in the gorge when I lived in KY but have been climbing quite a bit at the gunks since moving north.
yeah, I couldn't get it into those guys' heads that welded stoppers, for all intents and purposes, make a route a sport climb. Oh noez! I imposed RRG ethix on teh Gunks!JR wrote:Loved the tone of RangerRob. Very local sounding. The kind of local that thinks that people should climb the way he does.
I like the way he could have/should have stolen the gear. Didn't take the gear. Yet still laments his choice.