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Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:28 pm
by Shamis
Wes wrote:Shamis, You are the kind of people that suck the fun out of new routes / rebolting / trailwork, etc. The ability to do the routes you put the work into on your own terms and time frame seems like such a small thing to ask, but I guess there will be bottom feeders in every pastime.
Thanks for the new title shithead.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:43 am
by Toy
Said it before, but its worth saying again. The only people that should even have a say in this discussion are bolters/developers. I've never bolted and never asked a bolter if I could snag an FA. But I've belayed hundreds of FA's/attempts, hike countless hours helping look for fresh stone, and help build many a trail.

I did it not in the hopes of getting FA glory, but because I got to see first hand how difficult it is for developers to make my climbing experience so easy. I did it because this used to be a community of contributors that had an appreciation of how to grow this sport. Seems now that it has become a playground for the immature and ethically bankrupt.

This is exactly why secret cliffs stay secret. You poachers need to realize that if you want new routes this badly, the mere suggestion that new routes are "open season" is stifling development. Maybe some of you bottom feeders (I like that one Wes) should get involved with at least some aspect of development. Get out there and be selfless instead of trying to justify your selfishness.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:53 am
by DriskellHR
really? is this still being discussed? I thought charlie put the nail in the coffin so to speak, TWICE!! Must be a slow week. :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:10 pm
I make sure they're nice and loose for added suprise.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:30 am
by pigsteak
naw, let's bring it back driskell....

toy, on your idea of being selfless, I do not believe a person's motives are ever pure. I bolt routes that inspire me...that is selfish. I bolt routes, and I feel good about what I have contributed..that is selfish. if folks like em, even better....selfish. I just try to be honest with myself, knowing that a fulfilling day drilling holes is all about how I feel at the end of the day.

bottom feeder is just being selfish in a different vein, as are everyone who says there needs to be a timeline. 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, what's the difference? you all have and idea when your selfish ego needs/demands to be quenched.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:43 pm
by toad857
this thread is dumb. that's my take on it.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:52 pm
by RRO
it feels really good to no longer give a shit about mass bolting/lowest common denominator development and the drama that comes with it....

stop bolting routes for the masses. what is there now like 3000 ? find a cliff and keep it to yourself and your homies, enough open stuff for everyone else to climb out there.

selfish yeah but i have no pity for the whiners out there. go buy a drill. learn how and you can have your very own route, fame and glory.

till then maybe buy a six pack and drop it off to ray for this site, bob and the whole rrgcc vol, muir and its vol, the forest service vol and staff and everyone else that makes your little world go around. or just stay in the gym and f"off .

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:03 pm
by pru
piggy, I don't care what someone's motivation is for bolting. You're still putting your sweat equity and hard earned cash into the task. Whenever you want to open up the line to the public is fine with me. People who want to climb on red tagged routes are assholes, pure and simple.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:12 pm
by bcombs
btw... Weldco in Cincy has 1/2" diameter 10" length Powers brand SDS bits (#0348) for $11.85 each. Seemed like an OK price.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:50 pm
by pigsteak
RRO wrote:

selfish yeah but i have no pity for the whiners out there. go buy a drill. learn how and you can have your very own route, fame and glory.

or just stay in the gym and f"off .
best advice in awhile.