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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:19 pm
by Meadows
So what you're saying is that if I want to express myself, I can go downtown and paint murals of my choosing on the buildings? Or even on someone's house? I was thinking your cabin ....
I don't want my creativity stifled so your approval is not needed.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:31 pm
by Danny
If you have some helpful suggestions as to how Rick should manage his property perhaps you should give him a call and explain it to him. Otherwise it just seem like you are attempting to rouse a negative public opinion towards Muir Valley.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:32 pm
by meetVA
Ultra, IF that was your whole point the whole time then okay, it sucks that MV doesn't have Greg bolting on it anymore but in the end MV isn't the whole Red either.
I don't think you are really going to pursuade people with your rhetorical skills when they are so abrasive.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:39 pm
by busty
Has anyone else seen this posse of soccer moms with drills in MV?
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:56 pm
by weber
Because a lot has been happening in Muir Valley, I've been making a lot of posts to keep climbers informed. Parking lots, trails, roads, new routes, etc. Thanks, Ray, for generously providing this website as a effective means to get this info out there -- especially the on-line guide!
Lately, a handful of folks, for reasons known only to them, have answered my innocuous informational posts with nasty, untruthful rantings. If you take a look at my posts, you'll find I've been respectful, even when replying to these, sometimes vicious, personal attacks.
Some of you have jumped to my defense, and I appreciate your kind words. But, I want to make it clear that rantings don't faze me personally. In fact, some of the semi-literate drivel that spews forth from some on this forum provide much amusement. My skin is pretty thick.
What does concern me though, is the image of RRG climbers that this forum presents to the rest of the climbing community. (Contrary to what some here may think, RRG ain't the center of the universe.) Many who read these posts have never met the "players." And, because much of what is posted lies somewhere between half-truths and bold face lies on the diatribe scale, readers are undoubtedly getting a distorted picture of RRG people. WE know that most of those who climb down here are pretty darned nice, but I'm afraid other readers think of ALL of us as a bunch of potty-mouth, disrespectful kids.
To try to quell the negative firestorms, I've decided to remove at least some of the fuel and cut back my posts here to almost nil. In the future, those of you wishing to keep up on developments in Muir Valley, will be able to do so by visiting: On that website, we will also continue to provide updated downloads of our Bolting in the Red Book and results of our testing efforts.
And, any of you who wish to be part of route development in the Valley, please contact Tim Powers or me.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:04 pm
by pigsteak
Nice job fellas. Running off perhaps the most generous guy in town. Sit back and gloat, and wait for the day when Rick bans your ass from Muir. You don't like the process at Muir, then stay the f*** away, and go bitch at Forest Service policies instead. You think Muir has headaches...try to bolt on FS land.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:29 pm
by mcrib
If people need the drama turn on the Soaps.
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:57 am
by Spoonman
Ok..........enough is enough. The issue which I was trying to exspose........(although heinous) is not worth causing conflicts with one super generous land owner. I even still want to work the damn trail day, but departure from this unfortunate series of events will be the best for everyone. I even volunteered to be banished from the kingdom..... so as not to infringe upon your potential positive recreational pursuits.
PLEASE give me one last jab at the Sheriff, and let this post live in infamy as how not to provoke a private landowner, yet get away with a ligitamate grip. Again, .........view the post, then let it die!... no more replies please.
For Tim .............goodbye.
...............................what did he name that route?
I shot the sheriff
But I did not shoot the deputy
Oh no now
I dissed the sheriff
But I did not diss’ no deputy
Ooo ooo
All around in my home crag
They trying to put me down
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the dissin’ mr. T, the ego of Sheriff P.
Oh no
I shot the sheriff
But I swear it was in self defense
I dissed the sheriff
And they say it is a public offense ye oooooo
Sheriff Tim P always belittled me
For why I do not know?
Every time I plan a climb
He says kiss my ass before you’ll know
He says bend over and touch your toes
And so……...and so………..
Read it in the forum
I shot the sheriff
But I swear it is in everyone's best interest
I dissed the sheriff
But I swear it is in the youth’s defense
Ya oooo
The mirror came to me one day
And I could not turn round
All of a sudden I saw sheriff tim p
Came in to put me down
So I shot, I shot the ego freak down
If I am guilty I will pay
I shot the sheriff
But I did not diss’ his deputies
I shot the sheriff
To combat his hypocrisy
Got the better of me
And what is to be must be
Every day my heart comes up from the bottom of this hell
One day the patience will drop out
Today the bottom did drop out
I say
I,I,I, cant take the sheriff
Lord and his policy of complacency
Yea I ........shot the sheriff
Enjoy the controversy
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:35 am
by Saxman
Rick, please don't back away. 99.9% of us love hearing from you about Muir Valley and your highly literate posts are always a welcome read. Don't let a couple of morons who can't even keep their homophones straight run you off.
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:47 pm
by Horatio Felacio