Redriverclimbing.com One Year Anniversary Party!
Yins are welcome.
What are you talking about charlie, explain yourself before you are forever banned from co-mingling with fire w/in 500 ft of me and my cohorts.
I'd like to give some additional thanks to my roommates. Damn, I thought they'd disown me. I came home on Sunday to a sparkling clean house and a note on the board reading . . . "Thanks for using our home to host your party" or something like that. Such kindness is totally uncalled for but much appreciated!!!
What are you talking about charlie, explain yourself before you are forever banned from co-mingling with fire w/in 500 ft of me and my cohorts.
I'd like to give some additional thanks to my roommates. Damn, I thought they'd disown me. I came home on Sunday to a sparkling clean house and a note on the board reading . . . "Thanks for using our home to host your party" or something like that. Such kindness is totally uncalled for but much appreciated!!!
Modest explosives, it could have been much bigger but we decided to play it kindof safe.charlie wrote:What's a party without a little modest explosives?

I actually learned this trick at Miguel's. Anyone remember a few years ago when people would go around collecting candles and we'd see a big mushroom cloud over the fire soon thereafter? It was 3 or 4 years ago.
that party was soooo awesome. and i was still solidly drunk the next morning as we went to go climbing(don't worry i didn't drive but i did lead). it was awesome meeting everyone and hanging out and running around like maniacs. i think that was the best party since last years! thanks again to steph and bart and all the others who let us party at the house. and thanks to everyone for showing up and going full on!
Back from the Dead!